de Investigação: Estudos Ingleses: Cultura (GI 2)
Categoria profissional: Professora auxiliar
Graus Académicos: (1994). Doutoramento em Cultura Inglesa, U Lisboa.
Morada institucional: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade,1600-214 Lisboa
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Projectos de Investigação:
- (2008-...). Culture and Empire. The British Empire. Ideologies, perspectives and perceptions. (Scient. Coord. LFaria, CEAUL/ULICES). Collaborator.
- (2010-...) Co-org. Science Fiction and Fantasy project, Messengers from the Stars.
Principais Resultados Científicos:
- (2013). Member of the Advisory Committee Int. Conf. Macau Narratives, U Nova de Lisboa / Fundação Oriente, org. CETAPS/CHAM to mark the 500-year anniversary of the arrival of the Portuguese sailors in China, 8-10 May.
Actividade Científica
Teses de doutoramento concluídas:
- (2012). Supervison of Ana Patrícia Fanha Rodrigues, “The Awakening of the Female Pedagogy at the end of the Eighteenth Century: the cases of Mary Wollstonecraft, Catherine Macaulay, and Hannah More,” U Lisboa, (PhD in Literature and Culture). Summa cum Laude. 30 Jul.
Outras orientações:
- (2009). Supervision of Nicole Soares, “Representations of the Feminine in Eighteenth-Century English Fiction. An Approach of Daniel Defoe’s Roxana,” U Lisboa, (MA in English Studies). Final Mark: Very Good. Dec.
- (2010). Supervision of Patrícia Campos Albuquerque, “Report on the Work Developed at EGEAC [Public Company of Equipment Management and Cultural Animation]: Lisbon Popular Feasts,” U Lisboa, (MA in Culture Sciences). Final Mark: 18/20. Jul.
- (2010). Supervision of João Coutinho Santos, “On the Road to Malaposta: looking at the Malaposta Cultural Centre in its twentieth anniversary,” U Lisboa, (MA internship report). Final Mark: 15/20. Jul.
Artigos em conferências:
- (2011). “The Man in the Moone de Francis Godwin. Rumo a um Novo Paradigma.” In Cunha, Mafalda Ferin, Maria de Jesus Relvas and Pedro Flor (Eds.) Actas Colóquio Renascimentos na Europa do Século XVI. Formas, Ritmos e Convergências, 1-16.
Livros, incluindo obras de um único autor (incluindo edições escolares de textos e traduções, com introdução e comentários orais ou escritos):
- (2012). (co-ed. and supervision Octávio dos Santos) Mensageiros das Estelas. Antologia de Contos de Ficção Científica e Fantástico. Porto: Fronteira do Caos.
- (2012). (co-auth. Duarte Patarra) “Introdução: ‘Viagem pela Constelação Narrativa’.” In Mensageiros das Estelas. Antologia de Contos de Ficção Científica e Fantástico. Porto: Fronteira do Caos.
- (2011). “The History of the Sevarambians: The Colonial Utopian Novel, a Challenge to the 18th Century English Culture.” In Empire Building and Modernity. Lisboa: CEAUL, 131-144.
- (2010). “Na Rota do Império, segundo John Dee.” In CVFerreira and Tmalafaia (Eds.) The British Empire. Ideologies, Perspectives, Perceptions. Lisboa: ULICES/CEAUL, 53-70.
Capítulos de livros, incluindo as contribuições para artigos em conferências, contribuições para festschriften, ensaios em colecções:
- (2008). “Utopia, o Pomo de Concórdia Moreano.” Via Panorâmica: Revista Electrónica de Estudos Anglo-Americanos / An Anglo-American Studies Journal. Serie II: 28-39.
- (2012). “The Colony as an eighteenth-century utopian locus. An approach to James Burgh’s An Account of The First Settlement, Laws, Forms of Government, and Police of The Cessares, A People of South America.” In J. CVFerreira et al (Eds.) “A Scholar for all Seasons”. Homenagem a João de Almeida Flor. Lisboa: CEAUL / Dep. Estudos Anglísticos, 35-42.
- (2009). “Gatos e Homens. A Oração Ficcional de William Baldwin.” In APinheiroS et al (Eds.) ‘So long lives this, and this gives life to thee’. Homenagem a Maria Helena de Paiva Correia. Lisboa: U Lisboa, 53-70.
Organização de actividades de disseminação científica:
- (2013). Org. of the Faculty of Letters Alumni project – Memórias Vivas (collab. SAA – Serviço de Apoio ao Aluno).
- (2012). Org. Committee Int. Science Fiction and Fantasy Conf. Messengers from the Stars, Episode II, U Lisboa, 27-30 Nov.
- (2011). Org. Committee Int. Conf. Reviewing Imperial Conflicts, U Lisboa, 27-28 Oct.
- (2010). Org. Committee Int. Science Fiction and Fantasy Conference Messengers from the Stars, U Lisboa, 4-5 Nov.
- (2010). Org. Committee Int. Conf. The British Empire: Empire Building and Modernity, U Lisboa, 6-7Dec.
Outras actividades:
- (2010). “Authoritarian Regimes” (talk followed by debate). Colégio de Santo André, 9 Dec.
Comunicações apresentadas em conferências nacionais
Por convite:
- (2008). “Eighteenth-century Portuguese and English media.” Seminar on the History of Media of the MA course of Communication and Culture, U Lisboa, 30 Oct.
Em painel:
- (2012). “A Paradise of One’s Own.” Int. Conf. Recycling Myths, U Lisboa, 2-5 May.
- (2011). “O Barroco na Imagética Utópica. O Caso de Blazing World de Margaret Cavendish e The History of the Sevarambians de Denis Veiras.” Int. Conf. The Letters Imagery: men of letters’ representations and the construction of knowledge, U Lisboa, 20-21 Oct.
- (2010). “The Colony as an eighteenth-century utopian locus. An approach to James Burgh’s An Account of The First Settlement, Laws, Forms of Government, and Police of The Cessares, A People of South America.” APEAA National Conf. XXXI Geographies of the Self, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 15-17 Apr.
- (2010). “Science as the Enlightened Route to Paradise?” Interdisciplinary Conf. Between Classicism and Romanticism, U Porto, 5 Oct.
- (2010). “Bruce’s Voyage to Naples and Journey up Mount Vesuvius: A Descent to Paradise.” Int. Conf. Science Fiction and Fantasy Messengers from the Stars, U Lisboa. 4-5 Nov.
- (2010). “The History of the Sevarambians: The Colonial Utopian Novel, a Challenge to the 18th Century English Culture.” Int. Conf. The British EmpireEmpire Building and Modernity, U Lisboa, 6-7 Dec.
- (2009). “Da concepção imagética na Utopia inglesa de Seiscentos.” Int. Conf. Images of a New Humanity – time and space identity representations, U Lisboa, 15-16 Oct.
- (2008). “Margaret Cavendish’s Blazing World. A Voyage towards Hope.” Int. Conf. From Brazil to Macau. Travel Narratives and Diaspora Spaces, U Lisboa, 10-14 Sep.
Investigação Futura:
- (2014). Supervision of Márcia Bessa Madureira Marques, “Representações do luxo e do consumismo na expressão literária e visual setecentista, com especial incidência em obras de Daniel Defoe e William Hogarth,” U Lisboa, ( PhD English Studies).
- (2015). Supervision of Paula Rama da Silva, “18th century London through the Eyes of Hogarth – an insight into different realities,” U Lisboa, (PhD in English Studies).
- (2016). Supervision of Susana Paula de Magalhães Oliveira, “A Mulher no Renascimento Inglês,” U Lisboa, (PhD in English Studies).
- (2014). Supervision of Maria João Ferreira, “The detective woman in Agatha Christie’s work,” U Lisboa, (MA in English Studies).
- (2014). Gender relations and the position of women. Cambridge World Shakespeare Encyclopaedia – online.
- (2014). “Science as the Enlightened Route to Paradise?”
- (2014). “Margaret Cavendish’s Blazing World. A Voyage towards Hope”.