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Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL)
Alameda da Universidade - Faculdade de Letras
1600-214 Lisboa

Horário de atendimento:
2ª a 6ª-feira,

10h00 às 17h00



(00351) 21 792 00 92







Alcina Maria Pereira de Sousa
Grupo de Investigação: Estudos Ingleses: Literatura (GI 1)
Categoria profissional: (Tenure-tracked) Assistant Professor
Graus Académicos: (2005) PhD in English Linguistics – Applied Linguistics; “Developing Reading Strategies Based on Literary Texts – The Diary Novel: Sue Townsend’s Adrian Mole’s Saga”, University of Madeira, Funchal, Portugal. Supervisors: Prof. Orlanda Marina Correia (University of Minho) and Prof. Alcinda de Sousa (Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon); (1983) Licenciatura (4 year-graduation), Modern Languages and Literature - English/German Joint Honours.
Morada institucional: CEAUL, FLUL, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa
Endereço de correio electrónico:  Este endereço de e-mail está protegido de spam bots, pelo que necessita do Javascript activado para o visualizar  // Página pessoal: http://www.enieda.eu/index.php/alcina-sousa

Projectos de Investigação:

  • (2012-2013). Member of the Scient. Committee GENTOUR – Gender in Tourism (FCT, PTDC/CS-SOC/119524/2010), (U Aveiro).
  • (2011). Glossary: Linguistic Terms, within Project P.IN.O.K.I.O.
  • (2009-2011). Para o Desenvolvimento da Competência Linguística e Multicultural, U Madeira/Secretaria Regional da Educação e Cultura da Região Autónoma da Madeira, within Project P.IN.O.K.I.O.
  • (2009-2011). Análise de Corpora Literária: Abordagens Interdisciplinares, (ULICES/CEAUL).
  • (2007-2013). European Project P.IN.O.K.I.OPupils for INnOvation as a Key to Intercultural and Social Inclusion, DiVa Best-Practice (Lifelong Learning Programme - LLP; Comenius – Multilateral Project): RG – Madeira (Partner 2).
  • (2007-2012). Researcher and member of the Scient. Committee Studying Humour - Multidisciplinary Approach, U Madeira / Carlo Collodi Foundation / U Nottingham.
  • (2007-2009). Co-coord. Agir Lendo, (CEAUL/ULICES).

Principais Resultados Científicos:

  • (2009). Research grant – Member of the Multidisciplinary Project Para o Desenvolvimento da Competência Linguística e Multicultural. Lifelong Learning Programme – LLP; Comenius – Multilateral Project.
  • (2009). ERASMUS Teaching Staff Mobility Grant – Visiting Professor. “1 Decembrie 1918” U, Alba Iulia, Romenia.
  • (2008). ERASMUS Teaching Staff Mobility Grant – Visiting Professor. U Padova, Italy.
  • (2005). “Developing Reading Strategies Based on Literary Texts - The Diary Novel: Sue Townsend's Adrian Mole's Saga” (Supervisor: Orlanda Marina Correia, Co-supervisor: APinheiroS), U Madeira (Ph.D. in English Linguistics - Applied Linguistics). Summa cum Laude.

Actividade Científica

Publicações em revistas com arbitragem científica e/ou outras publicações:

  • (2012). “The Rhetoric of Regional Planning: a Cross-Disciplinary Approach” (Co-auth: Júlia Lourenço). Topics in Linguistics: Approaches to Text and Discourse Analysis. Nitra: TIL. Issue 9: 28-41.
  • (2012). “Constructing Digital Rhetorical Spaces in Twitter: A Case-Study of @BarackObama” (Co-auth: Anna Ivanova). Topics in Linguistics: Approaches to Text and Discourse Analysis. Nitra: TIL. Issue 9: 46-56.
  • (2011). “Teacher Training and Outcomes in Portugal – Experimental Group” (Co-auth: Luisa Paolinelli). Newsletter 02-2011 - FOCUS ON: P.IN.O.K.I.O at School in Switzerland and in Madeira, 3.
  • (2011). “Glossary”, DLV 16.1 (Co-auths: A. Bazenga et al.), 1-112.
  • (2011). “Deictic References in Simplified Illustrated Versions of The Adventures of Pinocchio (Port. - Eng.)”. In JoLIE, 181-203.
  • (2009). “Intercultural Exchanges in a Foreign Language Dimension in Retrospect: A Corpus Analysis of Respondents’ Perceptions.” JoLIE. Vol. 2: 153-178.
  • (2009). “Adrian Mole’s Saga or an Instance of Common Readers’ Emotional Involvement with Satire?” Topics in Linguistics, Interface Between Pragmatics and other Linguistic Disciplines. Nitra: TIL. Vol. 3: 12-24.
  • (2009). “Adrian Strikes back with Style and Humour.” JoLIE. Vol. 2: 277-292. 
  • (2009). “Promoting Intercultural Competence: Modality: The other Side of the Mirror”. JoLIE. Vol. 2. Nr. 1: 153-178.
  • (2009). “Creativity Labs, P2 – University of Madeira” (Co-auth: Luisa Paolinelli). P.IN.O.K.I.O Project (EN/PT), 1-43.
  • (2009). “Urban and Tourism Plans in Retrospect: Interdisciplinary Analyses/Planeamento da Urbanização e do Turismo em Retrospectiva: Análises Interdisciplinares” (Co-auth: Júlia Lourenço). AICA: Revista de Divulgação Científica do Atlântico. Nr. 1: 19 -31.
  • (2008). “Deborah Cao, Translating Law.JoLIE. Vol. 1: 147-149.
  • (2008). “Retórica e poder: representações do discurso empresarial em textos multimodais nos media.Organicom. Year 5. Nr. 9: 145-165.

Outras orientações:

  • (2009-2012). Supervision of Anna Ivanova, “Barack Obama’s Presidential Governing on The Internet: Web2.0 and the Pervasiveness of Political Language” (Co-supervision: Teresa Lopez-Soto, U Seville), U Seville (Int. Ph.D. in Linguistics). Spain.

Artigos em conferências:

  • (2009). “Intercultural Exchanges in a Foreign Language Dimension in Retrospect: A Corpus Analysis of Respondents’ Perceptions.” In CLIE – 2009 Proceedings: Linguistic and Intercultural Education in the Process of Europeanisation of Higher Education. Alba Iulia: Editura Aeternitas, 42-66.

Capítulos de livros, incluindo as contribuições para artigos em conferências, contribuições para festschriften, ensaios em coleções:

  • (2012). "A retórica dos planos urbanísticos: visões partilhadas e diálogos em continuum” (Co-auth: Júlia Lourenço). In Rosângela Lunardelli Cavallazzi and Madalena Junqueira Ayres (Eds.) Construções Normativas e Códigos da Cidade na Zona Portuária. Rio de Janeiro: Editora PROURB, 13-29.
  • (2009). “Adrian Mole Strikes back with Style and Humour.” In Proceedings of the 1st Int. Conf. on Crosscultural Humour: “Humour that Divides, Humour that Unites” (digital format).

Materiais de áudio/visual e electrónico/digital:

  • (2009). P.IN.O.K.I.O: Para o desenvolvimento da competência linguística e multicultural. Madeira: Direcção Regional de Educação. 6 Oct. DVD.

Organização de actividades de disseminação científica:

  • (2012). Scient. Committee INVTUR II, U Aveiro.
  • (2012). Scient. Committee 2nd Conf. on Tourism, Innovation and Training: Studies and Experiences, ISCTE, Odivelas, 6-7 Nov.
  • (2012). Scient. Committee Int. Conf. GENTOUR 2012 - Gender issues: Implications for Leisure and Tourism, U Aveiro, 1-3 Mar.
  • (2010). Scient. Committee INVTUR I, U Aveiro.
  • (2010). 2nd Int. Conf. Linguistic and Intercultural Education (CLIE2), U Montenegro.
  • (2009). Exploratory Workshop (CLIE2009): Linguistic and Intercultural Education in the Process of Europeanisation of Higher Education, U Alba Iulia, Romania, 21-23 May.
  • (2008). 1st Int. Conf. Linguistic and Intercultural Education (CLIE1), U Alba Iulia, Romania, 27-29 Nov.
  • (2008). Org. Committee From Brazil to Macao: Travel Writing and Diasporic Spaces, CEAUL/ULICES, 10-14 Sep.
  • (2008). Scient. Committee 1st Int. Conf. Crosscultural Humour: ‘Humour that Divides; Humour that Unites’, U Madeira, 10-12 Jan.

Outras actividades:

  • (2013-…). Scient. Committee of Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, ISCE, May.
  • (2013). Examiner of Yin Li, “Literature, Ideology and the National Imaginary in a Cross-Cultural World” (Supervisors: Luisa Paolinelli and Ana Isabel Moniz, U Madeira), U Madeira (M.A. in Linguistic and Cultural Studies). 29 Feb.
  • (2012). External supervisor for Ph.D. dissertations in English Studies: Non-Slavonic Languages and Literatures, U Católica.
  • (2012). President of the jury – Special Applications for Course Change and Course Transfer at UMa.
  • (2012). President of the Research Board and VP of the Qualification Board of the Atlantic Association of Scientific Research (AICA).
  • (2010-…). Advisory Board of ENIEDA (Linguistic and Intercultural Education in the Process of Europeanization of Higher Education). Activities.
  • (2009-...). Co-founder of ENIEDA (Linguistic and Intercultural Education in the Process of Europeanization of Higher Education).
  • (2008-2009). Co-coord. Junior researchers group for the promotion of the study of literary texts in English classes (conferences, workshops…).
  • (2008). Coord. Workshop “Humour: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic Responses.” Time and Text, 28th Annual Conf. of the Poetics and Linguistics Association, U Sheffield, 23 Jul.

Comunicações apresentadas em conferências internacionais

Por convite:

  • (2013). “‘Pardon, dona or senhora?’ Reassessing some forms of address and politeness issues in European Portuguese.” Int. Conf. Cross-cultural Pragmatics at a Crossroads III: Impact – Making a Difference in Intercultural Communication, Thomas Paine Study Centre, U East Anglia, Norwich, 27 Jun.
  • (2011). P.IN.O.K.I.O Final Conference. European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels, 22 Nov.
  • (2011). “From Modernity to Post-modernity: conflicting voices in literary discourse - A corpus analysis of you and one" (Co-auth: ACorreia). Int. Conf. of Corpus Linguistics, CILC 2011, Valencia, 7-9 Apr.
  • (2010). "The rhetoric of urban plans: Interdisciplinary Dialogues." Architecture, City, Landscape and Territory: Routes and Perspectives, 1st National Meeting of the National Association of Research and PG Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (I ENANPARQ), Palácio Gustavo Capanema, Brazil, 29 Nov-3 Dec.
  • (2010). "The rhetoric of regional planning: a cross-disciplinary approach" (Co-auth: Julia Lourenço). Int. Conf. The Language of Law - pulling together different strands and disciplines, UNINA, Italy, 17-19 Jun.
  • (2009). “English Loan Words in Portuguese Media Texts across Domains.” Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise, 5th Int. DICOEN Conf., U Milano, Italy, 24-26 Sep.
  • (2009). “Intercultural Exchanges in a Foreign Language Dimension in Retrospect: A Corpus Analysis of Respondents’ Perceptions.” Exploratory Workshop Linguistic and Intercultural Education in the Process of Europeanization of Higher Education, “1 Decembrie 1918” U, Alba Iulia, Romania, 21 May.
  • (2009). “Humour in Pinocchio’s Liberating Discursive Practice.” Images, Aspects and Languages, 2nd Int. Conf. on Intercultural Humour, Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi and the Museo Nazionale del Fumetto, Italy, 7 Apr.
  • (2009). “How Literacy Begins: Disambiguating Deictic References in Pinocchio’s Simplified Versions.” Int. Conf. Children’s Books from 0 to 3: Where Literacy Begins, Picture Book Museum Burg Wissem, Germany, 20 Mar.
  • (2008). “Promoting Intercultural Competence: Modality – The Other Side of the Mirror.” 1st Int. Conf. on Linguistic and Intercultural Education (CLIE 2008), The Centre for Research and Innovation in Linguistic Education (CIEL), “1 Decembrie 1918” U, Alba Iulia, Romania, 29 Nov.
  • (2008). “Humour: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic Responses” (Co-auths: Daniela Marcheschi, Luísa Paolinelli and Aline Bazenga). PALA 28: Time and the Text, Poetics and Linguistics Association Annual Conf., U Sheffield, UK, 23 Jul.
  • (2008). “Training School Librarians in Portugal: An Experience in Madeira” (Co-auth: Luisa Paolinelli). M.A. "Librarian in school, educational and museum services," Facoltá di Scienze della Formazione, U Padova, Italy, 4 Jul.
  • (2008). “O que se esconde nas regras dos planos urbanísticos em Portugal: Diálogos interdisciplinares" (Co-auth: Julia Lourenço). Conf. Saneamento e Desenvolvimento Urbano em Pólos Turísticos – Lençóis Maranhenses, U Estadual do Maranhão/FAPEMA, Brazil, 2 Apr.
  • (2008). “You must… pardon, you should – Modality and Intercultural Competence.” Segundas do LAEL, PG program in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies, Pontifícia U Católica de S. Paulo, Brazil, 28 Mar.

Em painel:

  • (2013). Panel: “ENIEDA: (Beyond) Europe: Identity in Text, Context and Interaction." U Economy Budgoszcz, Poland, 15-16 November.
  • (2013). “Communicative Styles across Borders and Disciplines: Europe and Beyond.” Panel: ENIEDA. Int. Conf. Cross-cultural Pragmatics at a Crossroads III: Impact – Making a Difference in Intercultural Communication, Thomas Paine Study Centre, U East Anglia, Norwich, 27 Jun.
  • (2012). “Speaking across worlds: language patterns and change in communicative practices (with reference to European Portuguese)."
    Panel: “Linguistic and Cultural Identities of the Wider Europe: within and across Borders, Disciplines and Practices.” Int. Conf. Towards a European Society: Transgressing Disciplinary Boundaries in European Studies Research, U Portsmouth, Centre for European and Int. Studies Research, UK, 28-30 Jun.
  • (2011). “Fact or Fictional Renderings of Urbanism in Television News: A Contrastive Analysis." Panel: “Breaking the news on European televisions: Cross-cultural perspectives (ENIEDA initiative).” 12th Int. Pragmatics Conf., IPRA 2011, U Manchester, UK, 6 Jul.

Comunicações apresentadas em conferências nacionais

Por convite:

  • (2011). "Stereotyping and Ideology in Portuguese and English Media Business Discourse." Int. Conf. Debating Women: Past and Present, U Madeira, 1-4 Jun.
  • (2010). “Os verbos operativos na Melhoria Cognitiva e de Aprendizagem dos Estudantes" (Co-auth: António Rodrigues and Leandro Almeida - DRE / SREC, UMa, U Minho). Int. Conf. Contributions of Psychology in Educational Contexts, U Minho, Braga, Jul.
  • (2010). "Towards Understanding some of Discursive Practices in Tourism Planning: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach" (Co-auth: Julia Lourenço). INVTUR 2010 – Research in Tourism: State of the Art and Future Perspectives, U Aveiro, Mar.
  • (2009). “Englishes in Madeira? - An Empirical Perspective on English Use.” Global Languages, Local Languages, 42nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, U Lisboa, 10 Sep.
  • (2009). “Overcoming Boundaries towards EFLit Education in the Digital Era: EFL Undergraduates’ Reading Habits in Retrospect (1998-2008).” 16th European Conf. on Reading and the 1st Ibero-American Forum on Literacies, U Minho, 19-22 Jul.
  • (2009). “Retórica e poder: representações do discurso empresarial em textos multimodais nos media.” Travessias Comunicacionais: Cultura, Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento, 11th IBERCOM Int. Conf., U Madeira, 16-19 Apr.
  • (2009). “Promoting Intercultural Communicative Competence in English as an International Language: A Case Study.” U Lisboa, 15 Jan.
  • (2008). “Planeamento da Urbanização e do Turismo em Retrospectiva: Análises Interdisciplinares.” O Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Turismo em Ilhas, Int. Conf. on Tourism in Madeira, AICA/U Aveiro / Instituto de Desenvolvimento Regional, 5 Dec.
  • (2008). “Adrian Mole Strikes back with Style and Humour.” 1st Int. Conf.  Crosscultural Humour: “Humour that Divides, Humour that Unites”, U Madeira, 11 Jan.

Investigação Futura:

  • (Forthcoming). “Percepcionando deícticos no espaço enunciativo de "Pinóquio" e a sua recepção por parte ‘dos pequenos leitores’.” Proceedings of the Int. Conf. A Literatura e as Artes em torno da Criança, U Madeira / Carlo Collodi Foundation (in print).
  • (Forthcoming). "Palavra e ilustração em diálogo: desambiguando deícticos no espaço enunciativo de Pinóquio de Carlo Collodi.” Proceedings of the 7th National (and 5th International) Conf. Research on Reading, Children’s Books and Illustration (in print).
  • (Forthcoming). “Humour in Pinocchio’s Liberating Discursive Practices.” Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Intercultural Humour, Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi and the Museo Nazionale del Fumetto, Lucca-Itália
    (in print).
  • (Forthcoming). Chapter résumé translation to English of Dora Pombo (Ed.) The Chestnut Tree in Madeira, Funchal.
  • (Ongoing). Ed. Proceedings of the 1st Int. Conf. “Humour that Divides; Humour that Unites”, U Madeira / Fundação Carlo Collodi.




      Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL)

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