The Reception of British and Irish Short Fiction in Portugal and Portuguese Short Fiction in theUnited Kingdom and Ireland (1980-2010)
The project consists of a study of the reception of British and Irish contemporary short fiction within Portuguese culture and of Portuguese contemporary short fiction within British and Irish cultures. There will be a 2-phase process of data collection and analysis: the 1st phase concerns the reception of British and Irish short narratives in Portugal; the 2nd focuses on Portuguese short narratives translated and published in the United Kingdom and Ireland. We seek to establish a comprehensive study concerning short fiction and the short story in the contemporary literary panorama of the 3 cultural systems under scrutinity between 1980-2012.
Dictionary of North-American Studies in Portugal (DENAMP)
The Dictionary of North-American Studies in Portugal (DENAMP) is a project coordinated by the RG3 of ULICES. This multidisciplinary repository is a digital archive with a special focus on Portuguese research in American Studies and includes entries of works authored by Portuguese scholars or writers, American Studies essays published in Portugal, and also any publication on Portuguese-Americans.
Digital Humanities, Libraries, Schools, Social Commitment
The program of Digital Humanities, Libraries, Schools, Social Commitment was launched and evolved in an environment defined by the potential of traditional and digital libraries, and by the research opportunities yielded by both written texts and multimedia creations, from music to image, including video.
This conceptual model which brings together primary and critical sources, visual representations, marginalia and annotated essays can be expanded into the overall life of many of the subjects taught at the Faculty. It also includes book specificities such as the type of paper used, the binding, etc and allows also teachers to create research materials. Therefore, due to its own paradigm, which creates new platforms of knowledge, data included can be useful to everybody who browses it, as it can also function as an information portal. This user-centered accessibility (as we shall see later on) established in a real cultural change, encourages also people with access difficulties (distance learners, elderly, ethnic minorities, community users, etc.)
World Cultures in English digital platform
Intercultural Literature in Portugal
This 2007-initiated joint research project brings together two Portuguese research centres the Centre for Culture and Communication Studies, Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon (CECC-UCP),and the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES). This joint research project is developed under supervision of Teresa Seruya (CECC), Alexandra Assis Rosa (ULICES) and Maria Lin Moniz (CECC), and aims to produce a critical bibliography of translated literature published in book-form in Portugal between 1930 and 2000. As such, it contributes to Translation Studies in Portugal by bridging the chronological gap between 1930 and 2000 left uncovered by the seminal work A Tradução em Portugal, by Gonçalves Rodrigues, the five volumes of which map translation in Portugal 1495-1930. The first part of this index covering the years 1930-1955 is now available online since December 2010 at:
Medicine and Narrative
The Project Narrative & Medicine aims at exploring the intersections between the Humanities and Medicine, in the therapeutic relations with patients. The project is being developed by a group of researchers from ULICES – University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies, the Philosophy Centre of the same university, and the Centre for the History of Culture of the New University of Lisbon, among others. To date the group has organized an international conference in September 2010 and two Conference Cycles and Training Programmes in 2011 and 2012. Professor Rita Charon (Program in Narrative Medicine - Columbia University) is scientific advisor to the project, which also has other international partners including the Centre for the Humanities and Health, King’s College (London) and the Laboratoire d’Éthique Médicale, Université Paris Descartes. As the project’s main objective is the academic preparation and training of healthcare professionals and researchers in the Humanities, in this interdisciplinary area, it promoted the first optional post-graduate curricular unit in Narrative Medicine in the 1st semester of 2012-13, at the University of Lisbon. This involved collaboration from the Medical School of the University of Lisbon and from the Nursing School of Lisbon.
In 2012 the project team successfully applied for grant support from the FCT (PTDC/CPC-ELT/3719/2012, ), and obtained funding for the next two years; diverse activities will take place over this period.
Official website in PT:
Official website in ENG:
PEnPAL in Translation
PEnPAL - Portuguese - English Platform for Anthologies of Literary Translation aims to create an online platform that offers pedagogical support for literary translation, while contributing for innovative scholarly research in contrastive linguistics and in comparative literature. Based on process-oriented training, the project assumes that literary translation can be perfected as a collaborative activity developed in an online and open access environment. It involves the collaboration of several universities offering translation degrees in Portugal – FLUL, U FLUL, ULusófona, UCatólica Portuguesa, FCSH/UNova, UMinho – research centres – ULICES, CETAPS, CEHUM, CECC – and the support of the Camões Institute.
The British Empire: Ideologies, Perspectives and Perceptions
The British Empire established an extremely varied and complex world in time and space. In its first phase, the North American colonies performed an important role in establishing the Empire. It then reached its height between the end of the 19th century and the First World War by means of military domination in India, Southeast Asia and Africa--expanding its influence after 1919 up to the process of de-colonization commencing from the middle of the 20th century.
RHOME – Representations of Home
Bearing in mind the changing political architectures of homeland, from Canada’s 1988 Multiculturalism Act, to Post-apartheid South Africa’s constitution, post-1998 Peace Agreement Ireland, post-independence India, and the official apology to Australia’s Indigenous peoples in 2008, RHOME examines representations of home/lessness and negotiations of belonging in societies marked by a history of colonisation and migration and engaged in (re)configuring multiple and sometimes conflicting heritages. Launched in 2014, it pursues four main strands of inquiry: home and language; home and place; home and conflict; and home and the body.
Offical Blog of the project
Literary and Cultural Tourism
The emphasis of this project will be on the changing inter-relationship between literature, culture, and tourism in line with a long established English tradition in tourism studies. A lot has been done in terms of reception, but there is still much more to bring about in one of the fastest-growing sectors of the travel business according to the research presented by the Paris-based Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This would be a motivating and on the rise area for our research centre, on account of the continuous relations with English literature and culture.