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University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)
Alameda da Universidade
Faculdade de Letras
1600-214 Lisboa

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(00351) 21 792 00 92







Zuzanna Iwona Zarebska Sanches

Research Group: Other English-Speaking Literatures and Cultures (RG 4)
Professional Title: Researcher
Academic degrees: PhD (U Lisboa)
Institutional Address: CEAUL - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa
E-mail:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Research Projects:

  • (2010-…). The reception of British and Irish Short Fiction in Portugal and Portuguese short fiction in the United Kingdom and Ireland (1980-2010), U Lisboa, (Scient. Coord. ARFernandes). Researcher.
  • (2011-…). E-Cadernos. Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra. Peer-reviewer.
  • (2013-...). Narrative & Medicine: (con)texts and practices across disciplines. Scient. Coord: IFernandes. (CEAUL/ULICES in collab: CFUL, CHC-UNL, CLP-UC, King’s College and U Paris Descartes). PTDC/CPC-ELT/3719/2012. Researcher.
  • (2013-…). Mapeando as Américas: produções culturais contemporâneas em comparação. (Scient. Coord. Giselle Wolkoff). Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Parana, Pato Branco, Brasil. Collaborator.
  • (2013-…). Extramuros: Revista de Extensão Universitária. Fulvio Torres Flores (Ed.). Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Parana, Pato Branco, Brasil. Peer-reviewer.

Main Achievements:

  • (2010). “The Counter Discourses of Femininity.” (Supervisor: LFlora, U Lisboa; co-supervisor: ACorreia, U Lisboa), U Lisboa, (PhD in Literary Studies, English Studies). Summa cum Laude. 29 Oct.
  • (2013-2016). Post-doctoral project funded by FCT The Map of a Woman: the Topography of Selfhood in the Work of Mary Rose Callaghan, Emma Donoghue, Mary Dorcey, Deirdre Madden, and Mary Morrissy. SFRH / BPD / 68399 / 2010.

Research Outputs

Publications in peer reviewed journals and/or other publications:

  • (2009). “Identity is a Slippery Fish – the Discovery of Identity in Elizabeth Bowen’s Short Story ‘The Demon Lover’.” Journal of The Short Story in English 52: 95-102. Spring.
  • (2011) “(Dis) regarding the Pain of Others: Deirdre Madden’s Remembering Light and Stone.” (e-book) in Pain: Management, Expression, Interpretation., II Serie, Nº2.
  • (2013) “Ireland (Re)visited: Mary Rose Callaghan, the New Ireland and The Visitors’ Book.” Op. Cit.: Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos / Journal of Anglo American Studies, II Serie, Nº2.

Books and book chapters of international circulation:

  • (2011). “(Dis) regarding the Pain of Others: Deirdre Madden’s Remembering Light and Stone.” In  Danczak, Andrzej and Nicola Lazenby (Eds.) Pain: Management, Expression, Interpretation. ISBN: 978-1-84888-080-1.

Chapters in books, including contributions to conference proceedings, contributions to festschriften, essays in collections:

  • (2012). “To Essentialize or not to Essentialize: The female (Irish) body and Mary Morrissy’s Possibilities.” In Macedo, Ana Gabriela, Carlos Mendes de Sousa, Vitor Moura (Eds.) Estética, Cultura Material e diálogos Intersemióticos. U Minho: Edições Humus, 310- 316.
  • (2012). “Gilles Deleuze.” In Susana Araújo, ARFernandes e Sandra Bettencourt (Eds.) (In)seguranças no Espaço Urbano. Perspectivas Culturais. V.N. Famalicão: Edições Húmus, 93-94.
  • (2012). “Post-script on the Societies of Control.” In Susana Araújo, ARFernandes e Sandra Bettencourt (Eds.) (In)seguranças no Espaço Urbano. Perspetivas Culturais. V.N. Famalicão: Edições Húmus, 95-101.
  • (2009). “Contemporary Women’s Writing - the Irish Side.” In Ana Daniela Coelho and José Duarte (Eds.) A Jangada de Ulisses, Lisboa: CEAUL/ULICES. 30-40.

Organisation of scientific dissemination activities:

  • (2012). “Feminising Theory: Key concepts in contemporary Irish writing by women.” (Co-org. Gisele Wolkoff, CES, U Coimbra/Brasil), ULICES/U Lisboa, 23 Jan.
  • (2012). Org. Object Lessons in Irish: Femininity, Nationhood and Writing. ULICES, U Lisboa, 23 Jan.
  • (2012). Chair “Mitos na literatura irlandesa.” Int. Conf. Recycling Myths, U Lisboa, 2-4 May.
  • (2011). Seminar Identity and Subversion in Contemporary Women Artists. CEAUL, U Lisboa, 18 Oct-6 Nov. 

Other activities

Presentations in international conferences


  • (2013). “Voices from behind the Texts: Interviewing Deirdre Madden.” New Voices: Diversities in Literary and Cultural Studies. National U Ireland, 13-15 Jun.
  • (2013). “Mary Dorcey and her Biography of Desire.” 12th Int. Conf. AEDEI Voice and Discourse in the Irish Context. Caceres, 30 May-1 Jun.
  • (2012). “Contemporary Irish Women’s Writing: Public Discourse, Private Reflection.” I Int. Conf. Discourse of Identity, U Santiago de Compostela, 13-15 Jun.
  • (2012). “(Un)popular culture and popular Ireland. Mary Rose Callaghan and her literary work.” Ireland and Popular Culture, U Reims Champagne-Ardenne, 19-21 Oct.
  • (2012). “One Text as Another: Ireland, Portugal and translating between languages, texts and cultures.” (Ex)Changes: Short Fiction in Portugal, the United Kingdom and Ireland (1980-2010), U Birmingham, 2 Nov.
  • (2011). “(Dis) regarding the Pain of Others: Deirdre Madden’s Remembering Light and Stone.” 2nd Global Conference: Making Sense of: Pain, Warsaw: Inter-Disciplinary Net. 22-24 May.
  • (2011). “Not such Innocent Pain: Deirdre Madden’s The Birds of the Innocent Wood.” IASIL Conf. Conflict and Resolution, Leuven Katholieke U, 18-22 Jul.
  • (2008). “Identity is a Slippery Fish: The Discovery of Identity in Elizabeth Bowen’s Short Story ‘The Demon Lover’.” 10th Int. Conf. Short Story In English “The Lonely Voice”, U College Cork, 19-21 Jun.
  • (2008). “Identity is a Slippery Fish – the Discovery of Identity in Elizabeth Bowen’s Short Story “‘The Demon Lover’.” April Conference Eleven, The Eleventh International Conference on English and American Studies, Jagiellonian U, 23–25 Apr.

By invitation:

  • (2013). “Melanie Klein and Lauren Berlant.” U College Dublin, 13 May.

Presentations in national conferences


  • (2013). “Melanie Klein, On the Theory of Anxiety and Guilt and New Approaches to Irish Women’s Literature.” Int. Conf. APEAA - Academy as Community, U Lisboa, 1 May.
  • (2013). “Identity: Fixed or Free; Institutionalised or Autonomous; Illusory or Real.” GESIPI, U Lisboa, 4 Apr.
  • (2013). “Melanie Klein, ‘On the Theory of Anxiety and Guilt’ and Psychoanalytical Approaches to Identity.” GESIPI, U Lisboa, 6 Mar.
  • (2012). “Friends and Relations: Deirdre Madden and her Molly Fox’s Birthday (2008).” Discourses That Matter: Contemporary Approaches to English and American Studies, U Coimbra, 22-23 Nov.
  • (2012). “Once Irish, forever Irish: Gender politics in the film Once (2006) and the construction of Irish identities.” Changing times: Performances and Identities on Screen, U Lisboa, 7-9 Nov.
  • (2012). “Interviewing Deidre Madden: writer’s private and public worlds of love and friendship.” Marvels and Horrors, Election and Damnation - Ireland’s 1912 and beyond: an international commemorative symposium Relational Forms. U Porto, 28 Jun.
  • (2012). “Performing Myths, Performing Life: Eavan Boland and The Pomegranate.” Int. Conf. Recycling Myths, U Lisboa, 2-4 May.
  • (2012). “Object Lessons in Irish: Femininity, Nationhood and Writing.” Feminising Theory: Key concepts in contemporary Irish writing by women. (Co-organized Gisele Wolkoff, CES, U Coimbra/Brasil), U Lisboa, 23 Jan.
  • (2012). “Teaching Contemporary Irish Women Writers.” Jornada dos Jovens Investigadores ULICES/CEAUL, U Lisboa, 12 Jan.
  • (2011). “Burning Down our Homes: the Politics of Fire in Elizabeth Bowen’s and Deirdre Madden’s fiction.” Dashed all to pieces’: tempests and other natural disasters in the literary imagination, U Porto, 1-2 Dec.
  • (2011). “To Essentialize or Not to Essentialize: the Female (Irish) Body and Mary Morrissy’s ‘Possibilities’.” Colóquio de Outono, U Minho, 17-19 Nov.
  • (2011). “The Fugues and the Origins of Femininity.” Seminar on Gender Studies - CES and Master Course in Feminist Studies, Centro dos Estudos Sociais, U Coimbra, 18 Nov.
  • (2011). Julia Kristeva: The Fugues and the Origins of Femininity. Seminar Gender Workshops – CES and Master Course in Feminist Studies, Centro dos Estudos Sociais, U Coimbra, 14 Nov.
  • (2011). “On Otherness and Multiplicity: Paul Ricoeur and the Art of Translation.” I Lisbon International Conference of Philosophy, U Lisboa, 27-29 Oct.
  • (2011). “Always ‘Pretending, to put it crudely’: Deirdre Madden and her Molly Fox’s Birthday. Congress Public and Private in the contemporary age: Sliding Borders, Centre for Comparative Studies of the University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, 13-14 Oct.
  • (2011). “(Dis)regarding the Pain of Others: Deirdre Madden’s Remembering Light and Stone.” 32nd APEAA Annual Conf. Current Debates in English and American Studies, U Coimbra, 12-14 May.
  • (2011). “‘Dividing Attention, Dividing the Meaning’: Struggling against the Incomprehensible and Mary Morrissy’s A Lazy Eye (1993).” 2nd International Conference on Anglo-Portuguese Studies, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 18-20 Apr.
  • (2011). Public presentation of the project: The Map of a Woman: the Topography of Selfhood in the Work of Mary Rose Callaghan, Emma Donoghue, Mary Dorcey, Deirdre Madden, and Mary Morrissy. CEAUL/ULICES, U Lisboa, 12 Feb.
  • (2011). “Judith Butler and the Playful Subject: the Jewish American Context.” Women and the Arts: Dialogues in Female Creativity in the U.S. and Beyond, U Lisboa, 15-17 Jun.
  • (2009). “Gender Troubling - the Narrative of Selfhood in Elizabeth Bowen’s Short Story ‘The Apple Tree (1931).” 30th Int. Conf. APEAA (Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies) “Self, Memory, and Expression”, U Porto, 19-21 Feb.
  • (2008)”. “Always ‘Pretending, to put it crudely’: Deirdre Madden and her Molly Fox’s Birthday”. Int. Conf. Public and Private in the contemporary age: Sliding Borders, U Lisboa, 13-14 Oct.
  • (2008). “Narrating Identity: the Case of Elizabeth Bowen.” Home and Elsewhere: the Spaces of Irish Writing, IASIL, U Porto, 28 Jul -1 Aug.
  • (2008). “The Revelation of Identity Mediated by the Other.” 29th Annual Conf. APEAA (Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos), U Aveiro  17-19 Apr.

By invitation:

  • (2013). “The Ascendancy in the Irish Literary Tradition.” Key-note seminar, U Porto, 21 May.

Future research

Forthcoming publications:

  • “‘Dividing Attention, Dividing the Meaning’: Struggling against the Incomprehensible and Mary Morrissy’s A Lazy Eye (1993).” Proceedings of the II Int. Conf. of Anglo-Portuguese Studies (in print)
  • “Burning Down our Homes: the Politics of Fire in Elizabeth Bowen’s and Deirdre Madden’s fiction.” Dashed all to pieces’: tempests and other natural disasters in the literary imagination, U Porto, (on line, in publication by Via Panorâmica).
  • “Science of Literature: The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing, Volumes IV and V and the making of Irish feminism.” Ex certa scientia: Literature, Science and the Arts, U Porto, (on-line, in print by Via Panorâmica).
  • (2013). “One Text as Another: Ireland, Portugal and Translating between languages, texts and cultures.” Contemporary Short-Fiction in Portugal, the United Kingdom and Ireland (1980-2010). Comparative Critical Studies Journal, Special Issue (peer reviewed, in print).
  • (2013). “Deirdre Madden and her Molly Fox’s Birthday.” Anthology: "Discourses that Matter: Selected Essays on English and American Studies. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (peer reviewed, in print).
  • “(Un)popular culture and popular Ireland. Mary Rose Callaghan and her literary work.” Ireland and Popular Culture. U Reims Champagne-Ardenne (in print).
  • (2015). (Co-ed.) Contar (com) a Medicina. Literary anthology. IFernandes, DAlmeida, MJCabral, TCasal, and ACorreia (eds.)
  • (2015). (Co-ed.) Creative Dialogues: The Relevance of Narrative for Medicine. (provisional title). IFernandes, CMartins (eds.)
  • (2016). The Map of a Woman: the Topography of Selfhood in the Work of Mary Rose Callaghan, Emma Donoghue, Mary Dorcey, Deirdre Madden, and Mary Morrisy. Publication of a monograph devoted to the writings of Mary Rose Callaghan, Emma Donoghue, Mary Dorcey, Deirdre Madden, and Mary Morrissy.

Participation in conferences:

  • (2013). “Salman Rushdie and James Joyce: a Kleinian Case Study.” Salman Rushdie in the 21st Century: Swallowing the World. An Int. Conf., U Lisboa, 7-9 Nov.
  • (2013). “Turning the Page over: Contemporary Irish Women’s Writers Responding to the Narrative of Crisis” I Colóquio Internacional “(Des)memória de desastre.” U Madeira, 18-19 Oct.
  • (2013). “Mother of Pearl and reading a story: women surviving suffering.” XV Colóquio de Outono do CEHUM (Centro de Estudos Humanísticos da Universidade do Minho), 21-23 Nov.


  • (2014). (Co-org.) MBoucherie, TCasal, LFalcão, SHenriques, PHorta, MMartins, and JPage. Conf.  Representations of Home. ULICES, U Lisboa, 25-27 Sept.
  • (2014). Interviews with Mary Rose Callaghan and Emma Donoghue.
  • (...-2020). Research into Irish contemporary literature by women. U College Dublin. Collaborator.
  • (...-2020). Research in the field of Literature and Psychology.
  • On-going research in the Project: “The reception of British and Irish Short Fiction in Portugal and Portuguese short fiction in the United Kingdom and Ireland (1980-2010)”.





      University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)

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