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Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL)
Alameda da Universidade - Faculdade de Letras
1600-214 Lisboa

Horário de atendimento:
2ª a 6ª-feira,

10h00 às 17h00



(00351) 21 792 00 92







Diana Vieira de Campos Almeida
Grupo de Investigação: Estudos Americanos (GI 3)
Categoria profissional: Post-doctoral grantee (FCT) / Invited Assistant Professor (Department of English Studies, FLUL)
Graus académicos: PhD and Masters in North American Literature and Culture; MA in Language and Literature (Portuguese-English)
Morada institucional: CEAUL - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa, Portugal
Endereço de correio electrónico:  Este endereço de e-mail está protegido de spam bots, pelo que necessita do Javascript activado para o visualizar Página pessoal: lisboa.academia.edu/DAlmeida

Projectos de Investigação:

  • (2013-...) Medicine and Narrative: (Con)texts and Practices Across Disciplines. (PTDC/CPC-ELT/3719/2012). (Scient. Coord. IFernandes – CEAUL). Researcher
  • (2013-…) Art in a Global Perspective (Scient. Coord. Rui Oliveira Lopes – CIEBA). Researcher
  • (2011-...) CILM - City and (In)security in Literature and the Media. (PTDC/CLE-LLI/110694/2009). (Scient. Coord. Susana Araújo – CEComparatistas). Collaborator
  • (2011-…) Projects of the RG 3
  • (2008-…) Post-doctoral project on Gender Studies, Visual Culture and Museum Studies (FCT)

Principais Resultados Científicos:

  • (2013). Co-Ed. Sandra M. Gilbert. “Feminisms Today and Tomorrow,” Anglo Saxonica III: 6.
  • (2013). Ed. Women and the Arts: Dialogues in Female Creativity. Berna: Peter Lang.
  • (2007). The Contours of Light and Shadow: Storytelling and Photography in Eudora Welty's Short Stories (Supervisor: TAlves, U Lisboa), U Lisboa (Ph.D. in North American Studies). Final Mark: Summa cum Laude. March.
  • (2000). Raymond Carver: American Polaroids (Supervisor: TAlves, U Lisboa), U Lisboa (M.A. in American Studies). Summa cum Laude.

Actividade Científica

Publicações em revistas com arbitragem científica e/ou outras publicações:

  • (2013) “’We need to write with love’: Welty’s Political View during the Civil Rights Years.” Anglo Saxonica. Lisboa: ULICES/CEAUL. Series III. Nr. 5: 63-88.
  • (2010). “Reified Bodies and Misplaced Identities in Elizabeth Bishop’s Narratives of Childhood Memories.” Anglo Saxonica. Lisboa: ULICES/CEAUL. Series III. Nr. 1: 193-206.
  • (2010). “’Keela, the Outcast Indian Maiden’: (Story) Telling the Southern Ideology.” Eudora Welty Review, Spring. Vol. 2: 35-52.
  • (2010). “The Dismembered Body: Poe's 'The Man That Was Used Up' and Cindy Sherman's Prosthetic Compositions.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review. Vol. 11. Nr. 1 (Spring): 163-173.
  • (2010). “Desafios de Escrita: Nas Fronteiras do Corpo. A propósito de Cindy Sherman em diálogo com Luiza Neto Jorge / Writing Challenges: At the Frontiers of the Body. Apropos of Cindy Sherman in dialogue with Luiza Neto Jorge.” Cine Qua Non. Bilingual Arts Magazine #2. (Winter): 98-117.
  • (2009). “Fotografar na Escrita o Enigma do Real/Photographing in Writing the Enigma of Reality.” Cine Qua Non. Bilingual Arts Magazine #1, (Summer/Fall): 30-44.

Outras orientações

Teses de mestrado:

  • (2013). Supervision of Carina de Sousa, “Questões de raça e género na obra escultórica de Mary Edmonia Lewis / Matters of Race and Gender in Edmonia Lewis’ Sculpture,” U Lisboa (M.A. in Communication and Culture). Final mark: 15. 25 Jan.

Livros, incluindo obras de um único autor (incluindo edições escolares de textos e traduções, com introdução e comentários orais ou escritos):

  • (2013). Translation and preface: Eudora Welty, The Golden Apples, As Maçãs Douradas. Lisboa: Antígona.
  • (2012). Translation, selection and introduction: Excerpt of Henri Lefebvre, La production de l'espace / The Production of Space. In Susana Araújo, Ana Raquel Fernandes, Sandra Bettencourt (Eds.) Inseguranças no Espaço Urbano: Perspetivas Culturais. V. N. Famalicão: Húmus, 43-52.
  • (2011). Translation: Margaret Mascarenhas, "História, memória e imaginação." Magazine Colóquio/Letras. Nr. 177: 171-175. May.
  • (2010). Translation: Catalogs for the exhibitions of Jos De Gruyter and Harald Thys; Alexander Gutke; Nasreen Mohamedi; and Cornelius Cardew. Lisboa: Culturgest.
  • (2008). Translation, selection and preface: Eudora Welty, Os Ventos e Outros Contos. Lisboa: Antígona.
  • (2007-2008). Scientific translation: Magazine Toxicodependências. Lisboa: Instituto da Droga e Toxicodependência.
  • (2007). Translation of Os Aquários de Pyongyang: Dez Anos no Gulag Norte-Coreano, Kang Chol-hwan with Pierre Rigoulot. Lisbon: Hespéria.

Capítulos de livros, incluindo as contribuições para artigos em conferências, contribuições para festschriften, ensaios em coleções:

  • (2013) “’I’m Left Alone’: Cindy Sherman’s Failed Romantic Plot.” In Teresa Botelho and Iolanda Ramos (Eds.) Performing Identities and Utopias of Belonging. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.189-200.

  • (2012). "Corpo Convulso: Erotismo e Subversão em Luiza Neto Jorge." In Cristina Pratas Cruzeiro and Rui Oliveira Lopes (Eds.) Arte e Género: Mulheres e Criação Artística. Lisboa: CIEBA, 162-170. 
  • (2011). “Helena Almeida em diálogo com Luiza Neto Jorge, para se escrever”, A Jangada de Ulisses: Volume dos Jovens Investigadores, org. Ana Daniela Coelho e José Duarte. Lisboa: ULICES/CEAUL. 87-97.
  • (2009). “‘Everybody to their Own Visioning’: Storytelling e Políticas de Identidade em ‘Shower of Gold’ de Eudora Welty." In A. Pinheiro et al. (Eds.) So long lives this and this gives life to thee: Homenagem a Maria Helena Paiva Correia. Lisboa: CEAUL/DEA, 191-209. 

  • (2008). "Entre Textos: Julião Sarmento contempla a Raymond Carver." Literal Julião Sarmento, Exhibition Catalogue, Centro José Guerrero, 118-132.
  • (2006). “Vislumbres Fotográficos em ‘Viewfinder’ de Raymond Carver.” In Ana Luísa Amaral and Gualter Cunha (Eds.) Studies in Homage to Margarida Losa. Porto: FLUP, 25-33.
  • (2006). “Intertextuality and Female Identity in Eudora Welty’s The Golden Apples.” In Gema Soledada Castillo García et al. (Ed.) The Short Story in English: Crossing Boundaries. Alcalá: Servicio de Publicaciones U Alcalá,

  • (2003) “In Between Texts: Julião Sarmento Addresses Raymond Carver,” Proceedings of the International Congress of Anglo-Portuguese Studies. Lisbon: Anglo-Portuguese Studies Center, 131-137. 

  • (2002) “American Beauty: Video-America” (Co-auth: MVGato). Proceedings of the XXI APEAA Encounter. Viseu, APEAA, 331-337.

Escrita criativa (desde que se enquadre no âmbito da investigação):

  • (2009). “Speaking in the Unknown Tongue, Holiness Church, Jackson, 1939.” Transatlantica. Nr. 2: 104.

Outros indicadores de produção científica:

  • (2013) Editor of section dedicated to Eudora Welty (7 essays with preface). Anglo Saxonica. Lisboa: ULICES/CEAUL. Series III. Nr. 5: 9-124.
  • (2009-...). “Writing Challenges: In the Body Borders”/ “Desafios de Escrita: nas Fronteiras do Corpo”. Cultural Performance/ Creative Writing Project. Educational Services, Museum Collection Berardo.

  • (2009). “Autoras Pioneiras.” In “Retratos da América: Do sonho e do mito.” JL: Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias, 14-15.

Organização de atividades de disseminação científic:

  • (2013). Org. and Lecturing activity - ESCape – English Summer Courses - Narrative & Medicine. Ler: O Texto do Corpo, o Corpo do Texto (Co-org: MJCabral), CEAUL/ULICES, 22-27 Jul.
  • (2013). Org. Committee Academy as Community, 34th Annual APEAA Conference, CEAUL/ULICES, U Lisboa, 9-10 May.
  • (2012). Org. and Lecturing activity in Workshop Identity Subversion in Contemporary Women Artists (Co-org: Ana Raquel Fernandes and Zuzanna Sanches), CEAUL/ULICES, U Lisboa, Oct-Nov.
  • (2012). Exec. Committee Changing Times: Performances and Identities on Screen, FLUL, Cinemateca, 7-9 Nov.
  • (2011). Org. Committee Int. Conf. Women and the Arts: Dialogues in Female Creativity in the U.S. and Beyond (Co-org: Paula Elyseu Mesquita), CEAUL/ULICES, U Lisboa, 15-17 Jun. http://womenandthearts.blogspot.pt/
  • (2009). Org. Committee Int. Conf. Post-Racial America: Has the USA Moved Beyond the Race Issue? (Co-org: Edgardo Silva), CEAUL/ULICES, U Lisboa, 6-12 Nov. http://post-racialamerica.blogspot.pt/
  • (2009). Exec. Committee Poe and Gothic Creativity, CEAUL/ULICES, U Lisboa, 18-20 Mar.

Outras actividades:

  • (2010). “Para Ver do Céu o Mar” (Five photographs and poem). Babilónia: Revista Lusófona de Línguas, Culturas e Tradução. Nr. 8/9: 301-309.
  • (2009). “A violência também pode ser um abanar de leque” (Interview for an article by João Bonifácio). Público, 25, Feb. http://ipsilon.publico.pt/livros/texto.aspx?id=224280

Comunicações apresentadas em conferências internacionais

Por convite:

  • (2010). “Going Around in a Circle: The Performing Body in Helena Almeida.” Research Seminar Series of the Dept. of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, invited by Catherine Boyle, King’s College London, 24 Nov.
  • (2010). “Helena Almeida and Luiza Neto Jorge: Meeting Hands.” Workshop Women Artists in Dialogue: Literature, Painting and Photography, invited by Ana Raquel Fernandes (Inst. Camões), King’s College, 24 Nov.
  • (2009). “’We need to write with love’: Welty’s Political View during the Civil Rights Years,” invited by the Org. Committee Int. Conf. Eudora Welty: a Centenary, U Venice, Ca’ Foscari, Veneza, 17-19 Nov.

Por proposta:

  • (2013). “Corpo contingente: A série History Portraits de Cindy Sherman.” Int. Seminar Fazendo Gênero 10: Desafios Atuais dos Feminismos, Federal U Santa Catarina, 16-20 Sep.

  • (2012). “‘Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth?’: Mallick’s Ecosophy in The Tree of Life.” Int. Conf. Ecologies of the Visual: the Third Visual Culture in Europe Meeting, Trondheim/NTNU, 6-7 Sep.
  • (2012). "'The shadows are really the body': Elizabeth Bishop's Covert Body of Discontentment." EAAS Conference: The Health of the Nation, Ege U, Turkey, 30 Mar.-2 Apr.
  • (2011). “’Writing Challenges: At the Frontiers of the Body’, Celebrating Every Voice”, Re-Visiting The Contact Zone Museums, Theory, Practice, Linköping Väst, Suécia, 17-21 Jul.
  • (2009). “Reified Bodies and Misplaced Identities in Elizabeth Bishop’s Narratives of Childhood Memories.” Decoding American Culture in the Global Context, 4th World Congress IASA, Beijing Foreign Studies U, 18-20 Set.
  • (2008). “’An arrow question in the heart’: Pattern and Feeling in Eudora Welty’s ‘The Bride of the Innisfallen.’” 10th Int. Conf. on The Short Story in English, Cork, 19-21 Jun.
  • (2007). “’Keela the Outcast Indian Maiden’: (Story)Telling the Southern Ideology.” Reconfigurations of American Studies, The Futures of American Studies Institute, Dartmouth College, 18-24 Jun.
  • (2004). “Intertextuality and Female Identity in Eudora Welty’s The Golden Apples”, 8th International Conference on the Short Story in English, Alcalá de Henares, 28-31 Out.

Comunicações apresentadas em conferências nacionais

Por convite:

  • (2013). “Desafios Criativos no Museu Contemporâneo,” invited by Ana Gabriela Macedo (Ph.D. program in Comparative Modernities: Literatures, Arts and Cultures), U Minho, 6 Jun.

  • (2011). “Potencial terapêutico da escrita criativa no contexto museológico: Desafios de Escrita no Museu Colecção Berardo,” invited by João Peneda, (Therapeutic Perspectives of the Plastic Arts, M.A. in Education), U Lisboa, 20 May.
  • (2010). “Cindy Sherman: Identidade como Performance,” invited by TAlves, Meetings of the American Culture Institute (ICA), U Lisboa, 21 Apr.
  • (2010). "Eudora Welty: Imagens da Comunidade Negra no Mississippi de 1930s." invited by Teresa Cid, U Lisboa (Round Table, Black History Month), 25 Feb.

  • (2009). “Exegese e estratégias de tradução do conto ‘Circe’ de Eudora Welty,” invited by MVGato (Literary Translation, BA), U Lisboa, 6 Oct.
  • (2009). “Cruzamentos entre a fotografia e as artes plásticas no Primeiro Modernismo,” invited by IFernandes (Inter-Arts Studies BA), U Lisboa, 21 Apr. 

  • (2008). "Cindy Sherman: o corpo da máscara,” invited by Ana Pais (Dramaturgy IV, BA), ESTC, 3 Jun.
  • (2008). “Imagem fotográfica em contexto artístico: dos primórdios ao Modernismo,” invited by IFernandes (Artes Plásticas BA), U Lisboa, 22 Apr.
  • (2008). “’Viewfinder' de Raymond Carver e a estética fotográfica,” invited by IFernandes (Visual Arts BA), U Lisboa, 24 Apr.

Por proposta:

  • (2013). “‘Desafios de Escrita’: Projeto de Performance Cultural no Museu Coleção Berardo.” Cinco Minutos, Duas Ideias: primeiro encontro Baldio, Espaço Alkantara, Lisboa,14 Jul.
  • (2013). “Mel Ramos: Identidades Descartáveis.” Neither Here Nor There, Yet Both: Int. Conf. on the Luso-American Experience, U Lisboa, 11-13 Jul.
  • (2012). “’Because I didn’t know enough’: Elizabeth Bishop’s Revision of Robinson Crusoe.” Relational Forms III | Ex certa scientia: Literature, Science and the Arts - An International Conference, U Porto, 13-15 Dec.
  • (2012). “Literature, Visual Arts, and Politics: Case Study of the Workshop Identity Subversion in Contemporary Women Artists” (Co-auth: Ana Raquel Fernandes). Int. Grad. Conf. Discourses that Matter: Contemporary Approaches to English and American Studies, U Coimbra, 22-23 Nov.
  • (2012). “’Even heroes could learn of the gods!’: o lamento de uma feiticeira apaixonada em ‘Circe’ de Eudora Welty.” Int. Conf. Recycling Myths, U Lisboa, 2-4 May.
  • (2012). “Corpo convulso: erotismo e subversão em Luiza Neto Jorge e Cindy Sherman.” As Artes Visuais e as Outras Artes. Arte e Género: Mulheres e Criação Artística, 6th Conference Cicle, U Lisboa, 15-17 Feb.
  • (2011). ”’Slot machine of visions’: Octavio Paz, Elizabeth Bishop and Joseph Cornell in Dialogue”, XIII Colóquio de Outono do Centro de Estudos Humanísticos da U Minho, 17-19 Nov.
  • (2011). "Elizabeth Bishop in Dialogue with the Visual Arts." Elizabeth Bishop Centennial Commemorative Session, Women and the Arts: Dialogues in Female Creativity in the U.S. and Beyond, U Lisbon, 15-17 Jun.
  • (2011). "'Immodest Demands for a Different World': the Portuguese Discoveries in U.S. Verse by Women" (Co-auth: MVGato). 2nd Int. Conf. of Anglo-Portuguese Studies, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 18-20 Apr.
  • (2010). “I’m Left Alone”: Cindy Sherman’s Failed Romantic Plot in the Untitled Film Stills.” Int. Conf. Performing Identities and Utopias of Belonging in the American and British Contexts, U Nova Lisboa, 3-4 Dec.
  • (2010). Respondent to Sofia Guedes Vaz and Olivia Bina “A Good Life Sees Virtue in Responsibility.” Próximo Futuro: Felicidade, 4th Research Workshop, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 4 Nov.
  • (2010). “Her Body at a Distance: Elizabeth Bishop’s Childhood Memories.” Geographies of the Self , 31st Annual APEAA Conference, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 15-17 Apr.
  • (2010). “Luiza Neto Jorge em diálogo com Helena Almeida, para se escrever.” Jornadas dos Jovens Investigadores do CEAUL, U Lisboa, 22 Mar.
  • (2009). “Eudora Welty and Politics: ‘The Demonstrators.’” Int. Conf. Post-Racial America: Has the USA Moved Beyond the Race Issue?, U Lisboa, 6-12 Nov.
  • (2009). “The Dismembered Body: Poe's 'The Man That Was Used Up' and Cindy Sherman's Prosthetic Compositions.” Int. Conf. Poe and Gothic Creativity, U Lisboa, 18-20 Mar.
  • (2008). "Dislocation and Repossession in O Navio dos Negros, Jorge Silva Melo’s Theatrical Reading of Benito Cereno" (Co-auth: MV Gato). Narrating the Portuguese Diaspora (1928/2008): International Conference on Storytelling, U Lisboa, 23-25 Oct.
  • (2007). "Women Against the Wall: Charlotte Perkins Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper' and Maria Judite de Carvalho's 'Tanta Gente, Mariana'", 3rd World Congress of the International American Studies Association (IASA), integrated in the panel "Portuguese Encounters with (the) America(s), FLUL, 20-23 Sept.
  • (2007). “A Double Quest: (Story)Telling Race and Gender in Eudora Welty´s ´Keela, the Outcast Indian Maiden´”. XXVIII Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos (APEAA), Universidade de Évora, 19-20 Apr.
  • (2005). “Every feeling waits upon its gesture': Eudora Welty’s 'Snapshots' and the Art of Fiction”, International Colloquium Blurring of Boundaries: Intercultural Dialogues, CEAUL, FLUL, 18-20, Oct.
  • (2003). “Are You Ready for the Journey? Images of Female Identity in Eudora Welty’s ‘Kin’”, Olhares e Escritas, International Colloquium on Literature and the Visual Arts, FLUP, 23-24 Oct.
  • (2000). “American Beauty: Video-America,” co-authorship with Margarida Vale de Gato. XXI Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos,Viseu, 6-8 Apr.

 Investigação Futura:

  • (Forthcoming 2014). Dislocation and repossession in O Navio dos Negros, Jorge Silva Melo’s theatrical reading of Benito Cereno” (Co-auth: MVGato). IJPDS – International Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies, Vol. 2.
  • (Forthcoming 2014). “‘Immodest Demands for a Different World’: The Portuguese Discoveries in US Verse by Women” (Co-auth: MVGato). Volume of essays resulting from the 2nd Int. Conf. of Anglo-Portuguese Studies.



Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL)

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