de Investigação: Estudos Americanos (GI 3)
Categoria profissional: Associate Professor
Graus Académicos: PhD (1989)
Morada institucional: CEAUL - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa
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Projectos de Investigação:
- (2003 -...). American Studies: Interfacing cultures and identities’s projects: The intercultural and intra-cultural dynamics of Portuguese American culture, and the relations between American and Portuguese cultures; American Literature and Culture (Modernism, popular culture) The mapping of American Studies in Portugal.
- (2011 -...). Literatura-Mundo. (Scient. Coord.: Helena Buescu - CEC – Centro de Estudos Comparatistas / IWL - Institute for World Literature, Harvard U, project ELiCa). Collaborator.
Principais Resultados Científicos:
- (2011, 2013). Co-edition of 2 volumes on the Portuguese Diaspora (Narrating the Portuguese Diaspora: Piecing Things Together, 2011, and Portugal Pelo Mundo Disperso,2013).
- (2011-2012, 2012-2013). Teaching of post-graduate seminar on Representations of Portuguese Americans in Literature and Film/Photography”.
- (2008-2013). Co-organization of international conferences in Lisbon (2008-2013) and Indianapolis (2013) – see below.
- (2008-…). Supervision of graduate work – Post-doctoral project, PhD theses and MA dissertations.
- (2012-…). Editorial Board of InterDISCIPLINARY Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies (IJPDS).
- (2009-…). Board Member of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS).
- (2008-2011). Member of the General Council of the U Lisboa.
- (2011/Nov. -2013/July). Vice-Rector of the U Lisboa.
- (2013/Sep.-…). Director of the Confucius Institute of U Lisboa.
Actividade Científica
Publicações em revistas com arbitragem científica e/ou outras publicações:
- (2013). “O Sermão de Santo António aos Peixes (proferido em São Luís do Maranhão em 1654)”. Translation of the poem by Frank X Gaspar “The Sermon of Saint Anthony to the Fish (preached in Sao Luis do Maranhao, 1654)”, Revista Colóquio/Letras nº 183, Maio: 42-45.
- (2011). "Pares improváveis." Retratos da América, do sonho e do mito, JL - Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias. Vol. 31. Nr. 1057: 1. 6-19 Apr.
- (2004). “The Siren at the Edge: Nathanael West, Modernism and Popular Culture”, Op.Cit.: A Journal of Anglo- American Studies, 7: 11-31.
- (2004)."The Dead Body of a Little Girl is not a Painting" Dedalus - Revista Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada, 9: 279-289.
Teses de doutoramento concluídas:
- (2014). Supervision of José Alberto Olivença Duarte, "Like Branches in a River - viagens estrada afora e cidade adentro no cinema americano," U Lisboa (Ph.D. in Literature and Culture - American Studies). Summa cum Laude. July 25.
- (2013). Supervision of Miguel Araújo Oliveira, “From ‘A Man without a Country’ to ‘An American by Choice’: John Dos Passos and Migration,” U Lisboa (Ph.D. in Literature and Culture - American Studies). Cum Laude. July 29.
- (2012). Supervision of Cecilia Beecher Martins, “Simple Stories: alternative paradigms offered by cinema (and literature),” (Co-supervisor Norman Holland, U. Florida) U Lisboa (Ph.D. in Literature and Culture - American Studies). Summa cum Laude. Dec. 20.
- (2009). Supervision of Mário Correia Alves, "Convergência de visões na fundação de um país: Thomas Jefferson e Benjamin Franklin," U Lisboa (Ph.D. in Literature and Culture - American Studies). Cum Laude. Apr. 21.
- (2009). Supervision of Maria Manuela Jales Camposana de Araújo, "Tradição na modernidade ou Textos africanos e afro-americanos: dis-cursus do Eu ao espelho repartido da diáspora discursiva moderna," U Lisboa (Ph.D. in Literature and Culture - American Studies). Summa cum Laude. Sep. 28.
- (2007). Supervision of Edgardo António Medeiros da Silva, “The Political Jeremiad of Henry Adams”, (Co-supervisior Ronald Johnson, Georgetown U., U Lisboa (Ph.D. in American Studies). Summa cum Laude. Jun. 20.
Outras orientações
Teses de Mestrado:
- (2012). Supervision of Ana Sofia Antunes de Carvalho, “Call Me Maria, de Judith Ortiz Cofer,” U Lisboa (M.A. in Anglo-American Studies). 26 Apr.
- (2010). Supervision of Luís Silveiro, “9 into 7: Considerations on V for Vendetta: Book and Film,” U Lisboa (M.A. in Anglo-American Studies). 7 Jul.
- (2009). Supervision of José Duarte, "Mortis Causa: 'da beleza das almas' - para uma autópsia do corpo visual em Sete Palmos de Terra," U Lisboa (M.A. in American Studies). 27 Nov.
- (2009). Supervision of Maria Johanna Graber Gonçalves Marçal, “Domestic Realism and the Reality Beyond - Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night, Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman and Tennessee William's The Glass Menagerie,” U Lisboa (M.A. in Anglo-American Studies). 17 Nov.
- (2009). Supervision of António Cristiano Borges, “De Jim Crow a Langston Hughes: quando a música começou a ser outra,” U Lisboa (M.A. in English Studies). 2 Mar.
- (2005). Supervision of Anabela da Conceição Alves Gonçalves, Representações do Feminino em Cane de Jean Toomer, Lit. Americana, U Lisboa (M.A. in American Studies).
- (2005). Supervision of Marta Margarida Santos Dionísio de Azevedo, Lucille Ball – uma mulher americana, Estudos Americanos, U Lisboa (M.A. in American Studies).
- (2005). Supervision of Michelle Cunha – African American Language and Culture: Zora Neale Hurston, Universidade de Viseu/ FLUL, co-supervision Isabel Casanova, UCP.
- (2004). Supervision of Maria Helena de Freitas Vera-Cruz Jardim, Transportes, desenvolvimento e literatura nos Estados Unidos da América oitocentistas, U Lisboa (M.A. in American Studies).
- (2004). Supervision of José Manuel da Silva Godinho, Calvin and Hobbes de Bill Watterson: imagens de uma infância americana, U Lisboa (M.A. in American Studies).
- (2003). Supervision of Maria Eduarda Pereira Pinheiro, The Big Sea e I Wonder as I Wander de Langston Hughes: autobiografia ou retrato de uma época?, U Lisboa (M.A. in American Studies).
Projectos pós-doc:
- (2009-2014). Diana Vieira de Campos Almeida – Grantee of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT SFRH / BPD / 40001 / 2007): "Corporalidade e fotografia nos textos de Elizabeth Bishop e Luiza Neto Jorge, em diálogo com Cindy Sherman e Helena Almeida - Intervenções de escrita criativa no espaço museológico.
Livros, incluindo obras de um único autor (incluindo edições escolares de textos e traduções, com introdução e comentários orais ou escritos):
- (2013). Portugal Pelo Mundo Disperso. TAlves, Irene Maria F. Blayer and Francisco C. Fagundes (Co-eds.). Lisboa: Tinta da China.
- (2013). (Co-ed.) A Scholar for All Seasons: Volume de Homenagem a João de Almeida Flor. Lisboa: CEAUL/DEA.
- (2011). Narrating the Portuguese Diaspora: Piecing Things Together. TAlves, Irene Maria F. Blayer and Francisco C. Fagundes (Co-eds.). Lisboa: Tinta da China.
- (2006). From the Edge/Onde a Terra Acaba. (Co-ed.) Lisboa: 101 Noites/ CEAUL.
- (2002). Feminine Identities, Cadernos de Anglística 5 (Co-ed.) Lisboa, CEAUL and Edições Colibri.
- (2000). Ceremonies and Spectacles: Performing American Culture (Co-ed.) Amsterdam, VU University Press.
- (1999). Co-author. Literatura Norte-Americana. Lisboa, U Aberta.
- (1999). Walt Whitman, Colecção Actas e Colóquios (Co-ed.) Lisboa, Edições Colibri.
- (1994). Melville, Colecção Actas e Colóquios (Co-ed.) Lisboa, Edições Colibri.
Capítulos de livros, incluindo as contribuições para artigos em conferências, contribuições para festschriften, ensaios em coleções:
- (2013). "Preferring not to: Bartleby’s NO in…Silence!". A Scholar for all seasons. Homenagem a João de Almeida Flor. Lisboa: CEAUL/DEA: 915-927.
- (2009). “Walking the Lisbon Night Through with Johnny Guitar”. “So long lives this, and this gives life to thee” - Homenagem a Maria Helena de Paiva Correia. Eds. Alcinda Sousa et al. Lisboa: DEA-FLUL/Edições Colibri: 765-773.
- (2008). “Lively Modernism(s): the Comic Strip as/and Modern American Art”. Translocal Modernisms: International Perspectives. Eds. Irene Ramalho Santos & António Sousa Ribeiro, Bern: Peter Lang: 225-245.
- (2007). “Fate, Diaspora and the Melody of Storytelling: The Portuguese-American Fado/Blues of Katherine Vaz”. “And gladly wolde [s]he lerne and gladly teche”: Homenagem a Júlia Dias Ferreira. Org. Teresa F. A. Alves et al. Lisboa: DEA-FLUL/Edições Colibri: 719-733.
- (2005). “A escrita luso-americana: da auto-rasura à visibilidade”. Literatura e Migração. Ed. Teresa Seruya. Lisboa: Edições Colibri: 61-80
- (2005). “Regresso, Trauma e Imaginação Americana”, in Mário Avelar, coord., Viagens pela Palavra, Lisboa, Univ. Aberta: 307-314.
- (2005). “Carta aberta a um amigo” in George Monteiro: the Discret Charm of a Portuguese-American Scholar, Onésimo T. Almeida and Alice R. Clemente eds., Providence, Rhode island: Gávea Brown: 110-111.
- (2004). “‘Krazy Katting’ the Modern American Literary Landscape: from high to low and back again”: Novas Histórias Literárias/New Literary Histories. Coimbra: Minerva Coimbra: 271-279.
- (2003). "Presos por umas guitas!", Estudos Anglo-Portugueses-Livro de Homenagem a Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa, Org. Carlos Ceia et. al., Lisboa: Edições Colibri: 537-541.
- (2003). "Rising Tides: the Power of Floods in American Life and Literature", Nature´s Nation Revisited: American Concepts of Nature from Wonder to Ecological Crisis. Ed. Hans Bak and Walter Hölbling. Amsterdam: VU University Press: 198-217.
- (2002). "Reading Katherine Vaz, Re-thinking the Portuguese Diaspora", Feminine Identities, Cadernos de Anglística 5, eds. Luisa Flora, Teresa Cid, Teresa F. A. Alves. Lisboa: CEAUL / Edições Colibri: 249-269.
- (2002). Translated essay 415 by Joseph Addison, in Os Prazeres da Imaginação, coord. Maria Helena Paiva Correia, Cadernos de Anglística 4 (Lisboa: CEAUL/ Edições Colibri: 65-70.
- (2000). "Americano ou germânico? ́Rip van Winkle ́ de Washington Irving", A Palavra e o Canto. Miscelânea de Homenagem a Rita Iriarte, Lisboa: Edições Colibri: 145-151.
- (1995). “Wanting America Back: The Crown of Columbus as a Tentative Epic in an Age of Multiculturalism”. in The Insular Dream. Obsession and Resistance. Ed. Kristian Versluys. Amsterdam: VU University Press: 342-349.
- (1992). “Scott Fitzgerald e Nathanael West: dois olhares sobre a America”, Cadernos de Estudos Anglo-Americanos, 2, Lisboa: 81-87.
- (1988). “Bartleby the Scrivener’, ‘Benito Cereno’ e a arte da alegoria em Melville”, Miscelânea de Estudos Dedicados a Irene de Albuquerque, Lisboa: 39-54.
- (1985). "Damon Runyon e a (Im-)Possibilidade da Utopia”, Miscelânea de Estudos Dedicados a Fernando de Mello Moser, Lisboa: 533-541.
Artigos em actas de congressos:
- (2004). "Birds Gotta Fly or the Memory of Disaster: the Johnstown Flood", Landscapes of Memory /Paisagens da Memória, ed. Isabel Capeloa Gil et al. Lisboa: Univ. Católica Portuguesa, 241 -248.
- (2004). “Krazy Katting the Modern American Literary Landscape: from high to low and back again”. Novas Histórias Literárias/New Literary Histories. Eds. Isabel Caldeira et al. Coimbra: Minerva Coimbra, 271-79.
- (2003). "Facing Beja from California´s Shores: the Mariana of Katherine Vaz", Actas do I Congresso Internacional de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses 2001. Lisboa: CEAP, 739-746.
- (2001). "Antigas Raízes e Novos Rumos: o fado/blues de Katherine Vaz e a Diáspora Portuguesa nos Estados Unidos da América", in Raizes e Rumos. Perspectivas Interdisciplinares em Estudos Americanos, org. Sonia Torres. Rio de Janeiro: Editora 7Letras, 212-219
- (2000). “The Life and Times of a Poor Richard that Made Good”, Actas do XX Encontro da APEAA, Póvoa de Varzim: 71-77.
- (1998). "A Delicate Balance: The choice of American Literature Texts, Canonical or Other" (w/ Maria Leonor C.H.Telles), XVIII Encontro da APEAA- Fringes at the Center (Guarda: Instituto Politécnico da Guarda: 479-84.
- (1995). “From Middletown to Springfield: The Day of the Locust and The Simpsons”, Actas do XVI Encontro da APEAA, Vila Real: 187-192.
- (1995). “Homer in America: The Example of Nathanael West”, Actas do XIV Encontro da APEAA - Março de 1993, Coimbra: 335-343.
- (1994). "Some Ways of Introducing Melville to a Contemporary Audience", Melville, Colecção Actas e Colóquios. Lisboa: Edições Colibri: 84-91.
Espectáculos e exposições desde que se enquadre no âmbito da investigação:
- (2009). Selection and translation of texts by Charles Reis Felix, Frank X, Gaspar and Katherine Vaz for dramatic reading session, TNDM (TEIA), 30 Jun.
- (2009). Org. photo exhibition: Jürgen Irps “Into the West: USA Canyon Land”, FLUL, June-July.
- (2009). Co-org. exhibition: Tracy Wright Corvo, “Girls will be girls: the Barbie Series” FLUL, Nov. 6-20.
- (2009). Co-org. exhibition: Abraham Lincoln Poster Exhibition, FLUL, Nov. 6-20.
- (2008). Co-curator with TAlves, of exhibition Narrativa e Diáspora Portuguesa 1928-2008, U Lisboa & Faculty of Letters Library, Oct. 23-30.
Organização de atividades de disseminação científica
Co-director or co-organizer of the following conferences:
- (2013). Exploring the Portuguese Diaspora in InterDISCIPLINARY and Comparative Perspectives. An International Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, July 25-27.
- (2013). Neither Here Nor There, Yet Both: The Luso-American Experience, U Lisboa, July 11-13.
- (2013). 34th APEAA Conference – Academy as Community, Lisboa, May 9-10.
- (2012). Changing Times: Performances and Identities on Screen, U Lisboa, Nov 7-9.
- (2011). Women and the Arts: Dialogues in Female Creativity in the U. S. and Beyond, Lisbon, June 15-17.
- (2010). Do you Bowles? A conference on the Life and Work of Paul Bowles, U Lisboa, Oct. 21-23.
- (2010). Mark Twain – 1910-2010. An International Colloquium on the occasion of Mark Twain’s Death Centennial (Lisbon, Oct. 8).
- (2009). Post-Racial America – Has the USA Moved Beyond the Race Issue? International Symposium, U Lisboa, Nov. 6-12.
- (2009). Poe and Gothic Creativity: International Symposium, U Lisboa, 18-20 March.
- (2008). Narrating The Portuguese Diaspora /1928-2008: International Conference on Storytelling (Lisbon, Oct. 23-25).
- (2006). 9th International Conference on the Short Story in English: Views from the Edge: the Short Story Revisited, (Lisbon, Jun 21-25) – org. with the Society for the Study of the Short Story.
- (1998). Ceremonies and Spectacles: America and the Staging of Collective Identities — EAAS Biennial Conference, U Lisboa, 3-6 April.
Organização de workshops, palestras, etc:
- (2011). Org. workshop panels on American Studies (with TAlves, Isabel Caldeira and Maria José Canelo), 32nd Annual APEAA Conference, U Coimbra, 12-14 May.
- (2011). Org. lectures: (1) Brent Glass, Dir. Nat. Museum of American History, 24 Feb; (2) Michael Cunningham, writer, 9 Mar; (3) Bruce Noll, scholar and performer, 7 Oct; (4) Alan Katz, American Ambassador in Portugal, 30 Nov.
- (2010). Org. panel “The Search for Different Shores: Continuity, Crisis and Change in Portuguese American Lives and Creativity,” American Studies Association (ASA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 18-21 Nov.
- (2010). Org. round-table and photographic exhibition “Black History Month: Why,” U Lisboa, 22-28 Feb.
- (2009-…). Org. Lectures "What do we talk about when we talk about America" (Co-org: José Duarte), ICA/U Lisboa.
- (2008). Org. two workshop sessions “Between Worlds: The USA at the crossroads of the seas/Entre Mundos: os Estados Unidos no cruzamento das rotas oceânicas” (Co-org: TAlves), From Brazil to Macao: Travel Writing and Diasporic Space, U Lisboa, 10-14 Sep.
- (2008). Org. two workshop sessions “‘E pluribus unum’ or ‘E pluribus plura’?” EAAS Biennial Conference (Co-org: John Moe, USA), Oslo, Norway, 9-12 May.
- (2004). Panel “The not so invisible minority - Portuguese Americans and the American scene”, ASA Annual Meeting/ Crossroads of Cultures, Atlanta, Nov 11-14.
- (2002). Panel “Other Triangular Trade Routes: Voices from the Ragged Edges of Modernism, IV International Modernist Studies Association Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, Oct 31- Nov 3.
Outras actividades
Outras publicações:
- (2010). “Mark Twain - nas braças do Mississippi”, LER, vol. 92, 2ª série, Junho: 34-37, 89-90.
- (2011). “Uma ideia para o futuro”, LER, vol. 100 (Mar 2011): 85.
Apresentação de livros:
- (2013). Do Sonho e do Pesadelo. Narrativas da Minha Diáspora no Vale dos Pioneiros, by Francisco Cota Fagundes (Opera Omnia, Guimarães: 2013), Lisbon, July 12, 2013 and Indiannapolis, July 26.
- (2012). (with Teresa Alves) Cine Qua Non. Bilingual Arts Magazine #6, Spring/Summer, ’12 (Teatro do Silêncio, Lavadouro de Carnide, Nov. 23.
- (2011). José Olivença Duarte, D. Alice e o seu Mistério. FLUL Library, Jan. 20.
- (2010). Laura Skandera Trombley, Twain- a outra mulher/Mark Twain's Other Woman. Livraria Buchholz. Dec. 15.
- (2010). A Viagem dos Inocentes (Portuguese translation of Mark Twain,Innocents Abroad). Lisboa: Tinta da China. FLAD, Oct. 8.
Referee, peer-reviewing and editorial boards:
- (2013). Peer reviewer 34th Annual APEAA Conference, U Lisboa, 9-10 May.
- (2012-…). Edit. Board InterDISCIPLINARY Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies (IJPDS).
- (2011). EAAS Rob Kroes biennial Publication Award referee.
- (2011). Peer reviewer 32nd Annual APEAA Conference, U Coimbra, 12-14 May.
- (2009-...). Ed. Board Deadalus, Revista Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada.
- (2008-…). Fulbright grants referee: University of Lisbon Fulbright Chair in the Humanities; English Teaching Assistant; scholar grants.
- (2009-2011). Peer reviewer Op.Cit.: A Journal of Anglo-American Studies.
Cargos académicos na FLUL:
- (2009-2011). Dir. Languages, Literatures and Cultures undergraduate degree, U Lisboa.
- (2008-…). Dir. American Culture Institute, U Lisboa.
- (2007-…). Coord. American Studies courses in FLUL, U Lisboa.
Comunicações apresentadas em congressos internacionais
Por convite:
- (2010). "Portuguese American Literature: why not?” Salzburg Seminar American Studies Symposium – To Honor Emory Elliott: “American Literary History in a New Key,” Salzburg, 24-28 Sep.
Por proposta:
- (2013). “What’s in a Portuguese American Family Picture? Notes on a Photograph by Jack Delano.” Int. Conf. Exploring the Portuguese Diaspora in InterDISCIPLINARY and Comparative Perspectives, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 25-27 Jul.
- (2012). “The Health and the Wealth of Story: Julian Silva’s Short Family Stories.” 12th Int. Conf. on the Short Story in English, Society for the Study of the Short Story, North Little Rock, USA, 27-30 Jun.
- (2010). "Portuguese Short Stories in English? Hélia Correia's ‘Doroteia’ and Teolinda Gersão's ‘The Red Fox Fur Coat.’” 11th Int. Conf. on the Short Story in English, Toronto, Canada, 16-19 Jun.
- (2008). “The Portuguese film A Walk with Johnny Guitar as short story.” 10th Int. Conf. on the Short Story in English, Cork, Ireland, 19-21, Jun.
- (2006). “Modern(ist) Storytelling in George Herriman’s Krazy Kat and Nathanael West’s ‘Lyric Novels’”, VIII Internacional Conference of the Modernist Studies Association, Tulsa, USA, Oct. 19-22.
- (2005). The Commercial Fifties.” Round-table “Teaching the Fifties”/ International Iniciative”. In ASA Annual Meeting / Groundwork: Space and Place in American Cultures, Washington DC, Nov 3-6.
- (2004). "The Krazy American West: From Herriman´s Krazy Kat to W. J. T. Mitchell´s Dinosaurs.” EAAS Biennial Conference/ America in the Course of Human Events, Prague, Apr. 2-5.
- (2002). “The Short Krazy Stories of George Herriman”, panel org. by Susan Lohafer - Globalization and the Short Story: VII Int. Conference on the Short Story in English, New Orleans, Jul 12-15.
Comunicações apresentadas em congressos nacionais
Por convite:
- (2013). “O contributo do ensino superior para o crescimento na União Europeia no contexto da Estratégia 2020.” Centro de Excelência Jean Monnet, Lisboa, 30 Apr.
- (2012). “Testimony of a distant world: American Indian sayings.” 6th Interdisciplinary Conf. on Proverbs, Int. Ass. of Paremiology, Tavira, 4-11 Nov.
- (2010). "Portuguese American Writing." FLAD, Lisboa, 26 Oct.
- (2010). Panel with Frank X Gaspar, Katherine Vaz e Teresa Alves. Colóquio Portugal na América: Conversa com dois escritores luso-americanos. Org. FLAD/Fundação Luso-Americana, Lisbon Oct. 26.
- (2010). “The Growing Pains of American Studies? A few thoughts on American Studies at CEAUL/ULICES and elsewhere.” Lisbon Forum on English and American Studies, U Lisboa, 5 May.
- (2009). “Álcool jovem, sangue jovem? - Breves notas sobre a literatura dos EUA”, “IN VINO VERITAS: da cultura ao desvario, do desvario à autodestruição”, I Jornadas de Alcoologia do Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, Sesimbra, June 20.
- (2009). “Retrato de uma arte %@*ζ‼☺☼: notas sobre a banda desenhada nos EUA.” U Coimbra, 15 May.
- (2004). "A escrita luso-americana" - ciclo Literatura e Migrações, U Lisboa.
Por proposta:
- (2013). “Julian Silva’s ‘Candle In the Wind.’” Neither Here Nor There, Yet Both: Int. Conf. on the Luso-American Experience, U Lisboa, 11-13 Jul.
- (2012). “Slow narratives, long travels, fast Americas: Meek’s Cutoff and Casa de Areia.” Changing Times: Performances and Identities on Screen, U Lisboa, 7-9 Nov.
- (2011). “Still invisible after all these years? Showcasing Portuguese Americanness today.” 2nd Int. Conf. on Anglo-Portuguese Studies, U Nova, Lisboa, 19-21 Apr.
- (2011). Disquiet- International Literary Program, Lisbon, June 19 – July 2, 2011: participation in the workshop on Translation of Portuguese American poems.
- (2008). Postface (with Teresa Alves) of José Olivença Duarte Tarde Vão as Nuvens, Vila Nova de Gaia: Edium editores.
- Member of the following academic associations: APEAA (Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-americanos), APLC (Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada), EAAS (European Association for American Studies), MSA (Modernist Studies Association), ASA (American Studies Association),SSSS (Society for the Study of the Short Story).
Investigação Futura:
- (2015-2020). Coord. of CEAUL Thematic Line “Reading Diaspora, Postcoloniality, and the English-speaking World”.
- (2014-…). Coordinator of RG 3.
- (2015). Symposium in association with the American Corner at FLUL Library.
- (2014-…). American Studies database.
- (2014-…). Portuguese American Literature.
- (2014 and 2016). Int. Conf. on the Short Story in English.
- (2015). Special edition of IJPDS, co-editor.
- (2015-…). Representations of Portuguese Americans in the collections of the FSA Administration and in American cinema.