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University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)
Alameda da Universidade
Faculdade de Letras
1600-214 Lisboa

Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9.15am - 1.15pm and 2pm - 5pm



(00351) 21 792 00 92







Isabel Maria da Cunha Rosa Fernandes
Research Group: English Studies: Literature (RG 1)
Profissional Title: Full Professor
Academic Degrees: (2007) “Habilitation”; (1988) PhD 
Institutional Address: CEAUL - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa
Email:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Research Projects:

  • (Aug. 2009-Jun. 2014). Scientific Coord. of CEAUL - / ULICES
  • (2009-…). Scientific Coord. of the interdisciplinary and international project “Narrative & Medicine” (PTDC/CPC-ELT/3719/2012), based at CEAUL / ULICES, in collab. with CFUL – Centre of Philosophy of ULisboa, Centre for Bioethics  of ULisboa, CHAM – UNL – Centro de História d’Aquém e d’Além Mar of the New Univ. Lisbon, and CLP – Centre for Portuguese Literature of the Univ. Coimbra. Foreign Partners: Centre for the Humanities and Health – King’s College, London and Laboratoire d’Éthique Médicale of Univ. Paris Descartes. External Consultant: Rita Charon (Narrative Medicine Program – Columbia University – USA).
  • (Jun. 2012-May 2014). Scientific Coord. of RG 1. English Studies: Literature, with the Project: “At the Crossroads / Cruzamentos”
  • (2010-...). CILM - City and (In)security in Literature and the Media Ref. PTDC/CLE-LLI/110694/2009 (CEComparatistas). Collaborator.
  • (2010-…). World Literature. (CEComparatistas). Collaborator.
  • (Nov. 2009- ). Interdisciplinary Program on Suffering and Pain. Coord.: Smadar Bustan, Univ. Luxembourg. Researcher.

Main Achievements:

  • (2015). Chair of the Scientific and Organizing Committees of the international Conference Narrative and Medicine: Caring for the Future, Lisbon, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 5-7 March.
  • (2012-...). Narrative & Medicine: (Con)texts and Practices across Disciplines. CEAUL/ULICES (PTDC/CPC-ELT/3719/2012) – project evaluated as “Exceptional” and funded in a competitive call.
  • (2012-2013). Creation and scient. coord. of  post-grad. optional unit in Narrative Medicine (partners: Faculty of Medicine and School of Nursing – U Lisboa). U Lisboa.
  • (2010). Scient. and Org. Committee Narrative and Medicine: Illness and Dialogue, U Lisboa, 13-14 Sep. CEAUL/ULICES, CFUL/U Lisboa, CHC/U Nova Lisboa, Library of the Faculty of Letters of U Lisboa, sponsored by FCT, FLAD, Novartis Oncology, Film Museum and the Faculty of Letters of U Lisboa.

Research Outputs

Publications in (inter)national peer-reviewed journals :

  • (2015). IFernandes et al. (Eds.), Contar (com) a Medicina [Counting on Medicine – an anthology of literary and essayistic texts translated into Portuguese]. Lisboa: Edições Pedago.
  • (2014). “Os sentidos da hospitalidade ou a medicina narrativa ao serviço da “nova medicina,” [The Meanings of Hospitality or Narrative Medicine at the Service of the ‘New Medicine’] Communio: Revista Internacional Católica XXXI (2014 / 2 – April/May/June – Special Issue: Healthcare and Social Questions): 209-17.
  • (2014). “A pertinência da Medicina Narrativa na prática clínica” – Editorial. Revista Portuguesa de Medicina Geral e Familiar. (Set. – Out.): 289-90.
  • (2014). "O elefante verde ou a importância da Medicina Narrativa na prática clínica." Revista da Ordem dos Médicos. Nr. 153: 76-81.
  • (2013). “Courting Death in Hélia Correia’s Adoecer.” Portuguese Studies. Vol. 29. Nr. 1: 94-105.
  • (2010). “Adoecer de Hélia Correia ou um ‘conhecimento por dentro’.” Colóquio/Letras: Revista Quadrimensal. Nr. 175 (Sep/Dec): 145-155.
  • (2010). "Creatively Responding to the Other: D. H. Lawrence’s Mornings in Mexico and Ethical Criticism.” Folia Linguistica et Litteraria. Nr. 1 (Dec.): 35-42.
  • (2008). “Words as Game: The Writing and Reading of Poetry.” Anglo-Saxónica: Revista do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa. Series II. Nr. 26: 137-152.


  • (2012). Rev. of Clara Rocha, “A caneta que escreve e a que prescreve: Doença e Medicina na literatura Portuguesa.” In Anglo-Saxónica: Revista do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa. Series III. Nr. 4, 2: 305-09.
  • (2006). Rev. of Derek Attridge, The Singularity of Literature (Routledge, 2004), Anglo-Saxónica: Revista do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa, série II – n.º 24: 259-61.


Ph.D. Thesis:

  • (2008). Superv. of Ana Raquel Lourenço Fernandes, What about the rogue? Survival and Metamorphosis in Contemporary British Literature – PhD thesis in Comparative Literature presented to the Univ. Lisbon. Viva: Dec. Final Mark: Summa cum laude.
  • (2007). Supervision of TCasal, “Coming into Being: The Role of Creativity in Jennifer Johnston’s Fiction” (Co-supervisor: Catriona Clutterbuck, U College Dublin), U Lisboa (Ph.D. in English Literature). Summa cum Laude. 28 Jun.

Other types of supervision

MA dissertations:

  • (2015). Supervision of Stéfanie Alves Stefaisk, “‘A few cubic centimetres inside your skull’: A interpretação dos sonhos de Winston Smith em Nineteen Eighty-four de George Orwell.” (Co-supervisor Jacinta Matos). MA Dissertation in English and American Studies / Literary Studies. U Lisboa. Final Mark: 18 / 20. Jan.
  • (2011). Supervision of Denise Santos Alves, “‘There's more power in telling little than in telling all’ - conversa inacabada de Mark Rothko e Lillian Hellman com a sua obra.” (Co-supervisor TAlves). MA Dissertation in English and American Studies / Inter-art Studies. U Lisboa. Final Mark: 18 / 20. Apr.
  • (2011). Supervision of Rita Barroso Nabais, Edward Scissorhands: conto de fadas gótico? (Co-supervisor TAlves). MA Dissertation in English and American Studies / Inter-art Studies. U Lisboa. Final Mark: 18 / 20. Apr.
  • (2008). Supervision of MSemião, “‘Going Round in Large, Slow Circles’: Postmodernism and Ethics in Julian Barnes’s A History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters”. MA Dissertation in English and American Studies / Inter-art Studies. U Lisboa. Final Mark: Very Good. Jan.
  • (2007). Supervision of Andreia Sofia Maratá Lopes, “‘That Fear of the Incomprehensible’: Identidade e Alteridade na Ficção Curta de Joseph Conrad”. MA Dissertation in English and American Studies / Inter-art Studies. U Lisboa. Final Mark: Very Good. Dec.
  • (2005). Supervision of Lígia Isabel Guerreiro Lopes de Oliveira, O travestismo da mente em Orlando de Virginia Woolf e no filme homónimo de Sally Potter (Co-supervisor Mirian Estela Nogueira Tavares, University of the Algarve), MA Dissertation in Comparative Literature / Literature and Cinema, presented to the University of the Algarve, in November 2005. Final Mark: Very Good.
  • (2005). Lígia Maria de Sá Garcia da Costa, ’We are not living in a boy’s adventure’s tale’: Imagens de Masculinidade na Ficção Curta de Joseph Conrad. MA Dissertation in English Studies / Studies of Identity. U Lisboa. Final Mark: Very Good.
  • (2004) Ana Raquel Lourenço Fernandes, O Pícaro e o ‘Rogue’: Sobrevivência e Metamorfose de Daniel Defoe a Julian Barnes. MA Dissertation in Comparative Literature / English Literature. U Lisboa. Final Mark: Very Good.
  • (2003) Sandra José Curinha Madeira, Lou Witt: Entre C. G. Jung e D. H. Lawrence. Para uma Caracterização de St. Mawr. MA Dissertation in English Studies / Studies of Identity. U Lisboa. Final Mark: Very Good.

Post-doctoral projects:

  • (2014-...). Superv. of Post-doc. (co-superv. Manuel Silvério Marques) of Maria de Jesus Reis Cabral (FCT/BPD/93423/2013) From Text to Body. Interfaces between Theatre and Medicine.
  • (2008-2011) Superv. of Post-doc. (co-superv. Patricia Odber de Baubeta) of Ana Raquel Lourenço Fernandes (FCT reg.: SFRH / BPD / 44680 / 2008) on short fiction by Portuguese and English contemporary women writers.

Books and book chapters of international circulation:

  • (2015). Creative Dialogues: Narrative and Medicine. (Coord. and Ed. IFernandes) Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • (2015). ”Introduction” and “Confronting the Other: the Interpersonal Challenge in Literature and Medicine.” In Creative Dialogues: Narrative and Medicine. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 1-7 and 21-39.
  • (2014). “Conrad’s Unstable Concept of Masculinity: Rereading ‘The Secret Sharer’ and ‘The Shadow-Line.’” In Lawrence J. Trudeau (Ed.). Twentieth Century Literary Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short-Story Writers, and Other Creative Writers Who Lived between 1900 and 1999, from the First Published Critical Appraisals to Current Evaluations – Vol. 303. Gale – Cengage Learning. Farmington Hills, Mich.; San Francisco, New York: Layman Poupard Publishing, 207-213. (A reprint of the same in Alcinda Pinheiro de Sousa et al. (Eds). The Crossroads of Gender and Century Endings. Lisboa: Edições Colibri / CEAUL - ULICES, 2000. 126-40, at the request of publishers).
  • (2011). Critical Dialogues: Slow Readings of English Literary Texts. Lisboa: Author’s Edition.
  • (2011). Literatura: a (in)disciplina na intersecção dos saberes e das artes. Cadernos de Anglística 16. Lisboa: CEAUL / Edições Colibri.
  • (2009). Fernandes, Isabel et al, eds.. “'So long lives this and this gives life to thee'. Homenagem a Maria Helena de Paiva Correia". Lisboa: Departamento de Estudos Anglísticos – FLUL.
  • (2007). “The Taming of Lady Chatterley’s Creator: D. H. Lawrence in Portugal after 70 Years”. D. H. Lawrence. Org. Dieter Mehl and Christa Jansohn. The Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe. London: Compendium Books.
  • (2006). “Matisse and Women: Portraits by A. S. Byatt.” Writing and Seeing: Essays on Word and Image. Rui Carvalho Homem and Maria de Fátima Lambert (Eds.). Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, 201-10.
  • (2004). Olhar a Escrita: Para uma Introdução ao Estudo da Literatura na Universidade. Cadernos de Anglística 10. Lisboa: CEAUL / Edições Colibri.

Chapters in books, including contributions to conference proceedings, contributions to festschriften, essays in collections:

  • (2013). “The Elephant Man: De ‘freak’ e caso clínico a alegoria”, CineQuaNon: Bilingual Arts Magazine 7, Summer/Autumn: 50-68.
  • (2013). “Os Estudos Literários no séc. XXI: o passado próximo, a crise e o próximo futuro”. A Scholar for All Seasons: Volume de Homenagem a João de Almeida Flor. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa / Departamento de Estudos Anglísticos da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (2013): 349-366.
  • (2012). Selec., introd. and keywords to Aldous Huxley, Brave New World”. Susana Araújo, Ana Raquel Fernandes e Sandra Bettencourt (orgs.). (In)seguranças no Espaço Urbano. Perspetivas Culturais. V.N. Famalicão: Edições Húmus, 163-64.
  • (2011) Coord. (with JFlor) of ACoelho and JDuarte (Eds.) A Jangada de Ulisses: Volume dos Jovens Investigadores.[Ulisses'Raft] Lisboa: CEAUL, ISBN 978-972-8886-15-8.
  • (2009). “Of Painters, Models and their Downfall: The Case of John Singer Sargent’s Madame X”. “So long lives this and this gives life to thee”. Homenagem a Maria Helena de Paiva Correia. Lisboa: Departamento de Estudos Anglísticos – FLUL. 313-323.
  • (2008). “Words as Game: The Writing and Reading of Poetry”, Anglo-Saxónica: Revista do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa, série II – n.º 26: 137-152.
  • (2006). “Sophia M. B. Andresen Re-presents Byron”. “And Gladly wolde (s)he lerne and gladly teche”. Homenagem a Júlia Dias Ferreira. Lisboa: Departamento de Estudos Anglísticos – FLUL / Edições Colibri. 247-258.
  • (2006). “From Anxiety to Self-reflexivity: The Role of Literature in the University”, Anglo-Saxónica: Revista do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa, série II – n.º 24: 143-51.


  • (2008). “Preface” to Coração das trevas by Joseph Conrad. Trans. Bernardo de Brito e Cunha. Lisboa: Nova Vega. 7-24.
  • (2006). “Preface” to O Pícaro e o ‘Rogue’: Sobrevivência e Metamorfose de Daniel Defoe a Julian Barnes by Ana Raquel Lourenço Fernandes. Lisboa: Edições Colibri. 13-15.

Organization of scientific dissemination activities:

  • (2015). Scientific Committee of the International Conference «Barthes intériorisé, ou l’avenir de la littérature» (jointly org. APEF / LEA), Lisbon, 11-12 June.
  • (2014). Organiser of Lecture by Fabiana Carelli (USP, Brasil), “O acto narrativo, ou como mudar vidas com palavras”, FLUL, 24 Apr.
  • (2014). Member of the Organising Committee of the One-day Conference, Storying Illness across Disciplines – 14 Apr.: Univ. Lisbon (FLUL).
  • (2014). Member of the Organising Committee of the Cinema Cycle on Narrative & Medicine (N&M project in collab. with “Núcleo de Cinema da Associação de Estudantes da FLUL”. Invited Participants: Tim Corrigan, Fernando Guerreiro, Mário Jorge Torres and António Barbosa) - 5 films – 13 Fev. / 13 Mar.
  • (2013). Member of the Scientific Committee of the 34th Meeting of APEAA – Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies, May 9-10: Univ. Lisbon (FLUL). Topic: "Academy as Community: English and American Studies in Portugal and Europe".
  • (2012). Member of the Scientific Committee of the VII International Congress of APLC – Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada, commemorating its 25th birthday, Univ. Aveiro, 5-7 de Dez., Topic: “Pensar o Comparatismo: Percursos, Impasses e Perspectivas”.
  • (2012). Member of the Scientific Committee and of the Organising Committee of “Cycle of Lectures and Educational Programme in Narrative and Medicine 2012” in collaboration with CFUL – Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon and with CHC – UNL – Centre for the History of Culture of the New University of Lisbon, ICBAS – Instituo de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Oporto, and ESEL – Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa.
  • (2011). Member of the Scientific Committee and of the Organising Committee of “Cycle of Lectures and Educational Programme in Narrative and Medicine 2011” in collaboration with CFUL – Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon and with CHC – UNL – Centre for the History of Culture of the New University of Lisbon, ICBAS – Instituo de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Oporto, and Área de Saúde de Lisboa Norte – Centro de Saúde de Sete Rios.
  • (2010). Member of the Scientific Committee and of the Organising Committee of the international conference Narrative and Medicine: Illness and Dialogue, held at Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, 13 - 14 September and promoted by CEAUL / ULICES, in collaboration with CFUL – Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon, CHC – UNL – Centre for the History of Culture of the New University of Lisbon, and the Library of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, sponsored by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FLAD – Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento, Novartis Oncology, Film Museum and the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon.
  • (2009). Member of the Organising Committee of the international conference “From Sea to SeaCanadian Literature and Culture in Lisbon, held at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, 18 - 20 November and promoted by RG 4 – Research Group 4 of CEAUL / ULICES, sponsored by: FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Canadian Embassy in Portugal and Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon.
  • (2008). Organisation of panel and chair of the Session: “Dialogues across Borders: discovering the other, rethinking space”, at the international conference promoted by RG 6 – Research Group 6 of CEAUL / ULICES, From Brasil to Macau: Travel Narratives and Diaspora Spaces, held at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, 10 - 14 de September.
  • (2007). Member of the Organising Committee of the international conference “Rising to Meet You” – Irish Literature Festival, held at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, 14 - 16 November and promoted by RG 4 – Research Group 4 of CEAUL / ULICES, CET – Centre for Theatre Studies of the University of Lisbon, DES – Departamento of English Studies of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, the Library of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, Casa Fernando Pessoa, Museu Nacional do Teatro, Sociedade Guilherme Cossul, and sponsored by Culture Ireland, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Ambassador of Ireland in Portugal, Artistas Unidos and Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon.
  • (2007). Member of the Organising Committee of the one-day conference promoted by RG 4 – Research Group 4 of CEAUL / ULICES, entitled Interart and Intercultural Dialogues, held at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, 15 March.

Financed projects:

  • (2012-...). Narrative & Medicine: (Con)texts and Practices across Disciplines. (PTDC/CPC-ELT/3719/2012), CEAUL/ULICES. Evaluated as “Exceptional” and awarded funding for the period of Jul. 2013 – Jun. 2015.

Other activities:

  • (2014). By invitation of the academic local authorities, Intensive Post-graduation Seminar (10 h) in “Narrative Medicine” at Botucatu, Brasil, Faculty of Medicine of UNESP -  Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, 28-29 Mar.
  • (2013). By invitation of the academic local authorities, Intensive Post-graduation Seminar (30 h) in “Narrative Medicine” at Botucatu, Brasil, Faculty of Medicine of UNESP -  Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, 25-29 May.
  • (2013). By invitation of organisers, participation in round-table on “Past and Present Methodologies in English and American Studies”, at the 34th Meeting of APEAA – Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies, May 9-10: Univ. Lisbon (FLUL). Topic: Academy as Community: English and American Studies in Portugal and Europe.
  • (2013). Training visit to Columbia U – Program in Narrative Medicine, for knowledge transfer to benefit future research and educational purposes of the project N&M. 26 Jan. - 10 Fev.
  • (2012). By invitation of the Conference Organisers, org. of Workshop on Narrative and Medicine at iMed 4.0, an International Conference on Innovating Medicine, 19 - 21 Oct. Faculty of Medical Sciences of the New University of Lisbon. Chairing of Plenary Session with João Lobo Antunes and António Vaz Carneiro (20 Oct.).
  • (2010-...). General Ed. of the Series Chimaera (ULICES collection of scholarrly translations from and into English).
  • (2010-...). General Ed. Anglo-Saxónica: Revista do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa.
  • (2009). By invitation of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, took part in: Research Workshop "Próximo Futuro / Next Future”, with paper: "Os Estudos Literários no Século XXI: O Passado Próximo, A Crise e o Próximo Futuro / Literary Studies in the 21st century: the Recent Past, the Crisis and the Next Future". Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 12-13 Nov.
  • (2009-...). Counsellor of CineQuaNon (ULICES bilungual arts magazine).
  • (Set. 2007- Sept. 2011) Director of the periodical Op.Cit.: Uma Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos / Op.Cit.: A Journal of Anglo-american Studies, of APEAA -Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos / Portuguese Association for Anglo-american Studies.
  • (Feb. – May 2013) Member of Evaluation Panel of Teaching Staff of FLUL.


  • (2006). Interview with translator Aníbal Fernandes, Anglo-Saxónica: Revista do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa, série II – n.º 24: 249-56.

Presentations in international conferences


  • (2013). “‘A short story that wouldn’t work after the opening lines’: Frustrated Maternity in First-Person Narratives.” Int. Conf. A Narrative Future for Healthcare (Co-orgs: Narrative Medicine Program, Columbia U, and Centre for the Humanities and Health, King’s College). King’s College, London, 19-21 Jun.
  • (2011). “The Art of Dying in Hélia Correia’s Adoecer.” The Art of Medicine in Iberian and Latin American Literature and Film, U Kent, 9-10 Set.
  • (2011). Presentation of the Project Narrative & Medicine (Collab: Marijke Boucherie) and the Glossary for the forthcoming volumeFundamental Questions on Suffering and Pain, at the Second Workshop on Suffering and Pain, U Luxembourg, 2- 5 Jul.
  • (2010). By invitation of the Organiser, Simonetta de Filippis, participation in round-table on: "D. H. Lawrence; a traveller through cultures", with paper entitled: "Creatively Responding to the Other: D. H. Lawrence’s Mornings in Mexico and Ethical Criticism”. 10th International Conference of ESSE - European Society for the Study of English, Turin / Italy, 24-28 Aug.
  • (2009). Participation in the ESF Exploratory Multidisciplinary Workshop on Pain & Suffering, U Luxembourg, Nov.
  • (2008). “Girl with a Pearl Earring: Narrating Across Media.” Conf. Narrative Matters, U Toronto, Canada, May.
  • (2004). “The Taming of Lady Chatterley’s Creator: D. H. Lawrence in Portugal After 70 Years”, at the international conference The Cultural Appropriation of D. H. Lawrence in Europe, org. by Dieter Mehl and Christa Jansohn, Otto-Friederich-Universität Bamberg, Dec.

By invitation:

  • (2014) By invitation of organisers, Plenary Lecture: “Medicina Narrativa: Entre o Laboratório e a Fronteira”, Conferência Internacional de Humanidades e Humanização em Saúde, FMUSP – Medical School of the Univ. of S. Paulo and Hospital das Clínicas de S. Paulo, 31 Mar. – 1 Apr.
  • (2013). By invitation of IAS – Institute of Advanced Studies of the Univ. Birmingham, participation in Workshop on “Narrative Techniques in Clinical Research, Education and Therapy”, with presentation: “The Narrative & Medicine Project: At the Crossroads of Disciplines, at the Service of Health,” org. IAS – Institute of Advanced Studies of the Univ. Birmingham, 2-3 May.
  • (2010). “Creatively responding to the Other: D. H. Lawrence’s Mornings in Mexico and Ethical Criticism.” Contribution to round-table on D. H. Lawrence: a Traveller Through Cultures, 10th ESSE Int. Conf., U Turin, Italy, 24-28 Aug.

Presentations in national conferences


  • (2014). “Reflexões em torno da dicotomia corpo / espírito ou da importância da literatura na formação médica”. 6th Session of the Permanent Seminar of the Project Narrative & Medicine. Hosted by Research Unit in Philosophy of Medicine, at IPOLFG – Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil, 17 Sept.
  • (2011). “Contar a Doença, Falar do Sofrimento: alguns exemplos literários.” Cycle of Lectures and Educational Programme in Narrative and Medicine 2011, Centro de Saúde de Sete Rios, Lisboa, 20 Oct.
  • (2010). “Loss, Suffering, and Trauma in Sue Hubbard’s Rothko’s Red.Relational Forms I: an Int. Conf. on Literature and the Arts, U Porto, 25-27 Nov.
  • (2008). “Of Painters, Models and their Downfall: The Case of John Singer Sargent’s Madame X.” Success and Failure, 29th Annual APEAA Conference, U Aveiro, 17-19 Apr.

By invitation:

  1. (2014). ““The Narrative & Medicine Project: Rethinking Health Care across Disciplines,” In Diálogos Portugal / China – “Viver a tradição, pensar a saúde.” [Living Tradition, Rethinking Healthcare] Instituto Confúcio da Universidade de Lisboa, FLUL, 24 Nov.
  2. (2014). By invitation of the organisers, “Maternidade frustrada e experiência do tempo em duas narrativas de primeira pessoa”, at the IV Congress of the SPP - Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicossomática, FMUL - Faculdade de Medicina of ULisboa, 30-31 May.
  3. (2014). By invitation of the organisers, Plenary Lecture: “’Um caso da prática médica’: do ecossistema à dimensão psicossomática”, at the International Congress Maux écrits, mots vécus: Traitements littéraires de la maladie, FLUP - Faculdade de Letras of the Univ. of Oporto, 22-23 Apr.
  4. (2014). By invitation of the organisers, participation in Round-table: “Experiências de Ensino de Humanidades e Humanização”, Conferência Internacional Humanidades e Humanização em Saúde, Faculdade de Medicina of the Univ. of S. Paulo and Hospital das Clínicas – S. Paulo, 31 Mar. – 1 Abr.
  5. (2014). By invitation of Scientif. Coord. Seminar: “The interpersonal Challenge in Literature and Medicine” (4h), Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas of the Univ. of S. Paulo, Brasil, 26 Mar.
  6. (2013). By invitation of organisers, participation in round-table on “Past and Present Methodologies in English and American Studies”, at the 34th Meeting of APEAA – Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies, May 9-10: Univ. Lisbon (FLUL). Topic: Academy as Community: English and American Studies in Portugal and Europe.
  7. (2013). By invitation of the Conference Organisers, paper “As Humanidades na intersecção dos saberes: sobre o projecto em Narrativa & Medicina” (adapted from previous presentation), at the Colloquium “O Lugar da Filosofia da Ciência na Nova Universidade de Lisboa” – 14-15 Feb., Lisbon, IST – Instituto Superior Técnico / Reitoria da Univ. Lisboa.
  8. (2012). By invitation of the Conference Organisers, org. of Panel on Narrative and Medicine and presentation of paper, “As Humanidades na intersecção dos saberes: sobre o projecto em Narrativa & Medicina”, at the VII International Congress of APLC – Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada, commemorating its 25th birthday, Univ. Aveiro, 5-7 de Dez.
  9. (2012). Workshop on Narrative and Medicine at iMed 4.0an International Conference on Innovating Medicine. Chairing of Plenary Session with João Lobo Antunes and António Vaz Carneiro, 20 Oct.
  10. (2012). By invitation of CEC- Centre for Comparative Studies, took part in: As nossas ficções: leituras transversais, presenting a paper entitled: “The Elephant Man (1980) by David Lynch: from ‘freak’ and clinical case to allegory”, 22 May.
  11. (2010). Debate on Hélia Correia, Adoecer (Lisboa: Relógio d’Água, 2010), as part of the series 5 livros/5 autores (Org: Centro Nacional de Cultura). Grémio Literário, 11 Oct.
  12. (2010). By invitation of the National Library of Portugal, took part in: “Encontro com…”, by presenting Hélia Correia’s latest novel, Adoecer(2010), at the  National Library of Portugal, 13Apr.
  13. (2009). "Os Estudos Literários no Século XXI: O Passado Próximo, A Crise e o Próximo Futuro / Literary Studies in the 21st century: the Recent Past, the Crisis and the Next Future." Research Workshop Próximo Futuro/Next Future, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 12-13 Nov.

Future Research:

  • (2015). In Print, by invitation – Fernandes, Isabel. “Perda, sofrimento e trauma em Rothko’s Red de Sue Hubbard’s” [Loss, Suffering, and Trauma in Sue Hubbard’s Rothko’s Red].  In Betina Ribeiro Rodrigues da Cunha, Luís Humberto Martins Arantes and Maria Suzana Moreira do Carmo (Eds.), Tantas margens: reflexões sobre Literatura e Arte. Série: A escrita literária: teorias, histórias e poéticas – vol VI. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade de Uberlândia. Uberlândia: EDUFU - Editora da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil.
  • (2014-15). “Confronting the Other: the interpersonal challenge in Literature and Medicine.” (to be published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing in vol. titled Creative Dialogues: Narrative and Medicine).
  • (2014-15). Ed. of Creative Dialogues: Narrative and Medicine. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • (2014). Supervision of Mário Jorge Segurado Mendes Laranjeira Semião, “Art as Toy: Experimentalism and Intermediality in the Fictional Work of Gabriel Josipovici” (Co-supervisor: Irene Gilsenan-Nordin, U Dalarna), U Lisboa (Ph.D. in English Literature – Inter-art Studies).
  • (2013-2015) Scient. Coord. of all activities pertaining to the Narrative & Medicine project, such as: org. 2 conferences (Mar. 2014, Mar. 2015), permanent seminar (8 sessions), participation in (inter)national conf., publication of an anthology of translated texts, creation of a data-base, and lecturing in curricular post-grad. Unit in Narrative Medicine, among others.



University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)

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