Research Group: English Studies: Literature (RG 1)
Professional Title: Assistant Professor
Institutional Address: CEAUL -Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa
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Main Achievements:
- (2007). “Mundividência Heróica e a Instituição da Literatura. Poética e Política das Letras Inglesas na Época de Addison e de Pope” (Supervisor: Gualter Cunha, U Porto), U Porto (Ph.D. in Literary Studies). 25 Sep.
Research Outputs
Publications in peer reviewed journals and/or other publications:
- (2013). “O Vaticano, Estado Paradoxal.” InComunidade. Nr. 9. Mar.
- (2012). “Utopia e Ficção Científica: Uma Nota em Direcção a Battlestar Galactica.” Crónicas da Utopia, Selene – Culturas de Sintra. Spring.
- (2011). “Censors, Dwarfs, and Giants: Further Notes on Swift in Portugal.” Swift Studies. Nr. 26: 120-131.
- (2011). “De Thomas More a Agostinho da Silva.” In Crónicas da Utopia, Selene – Culturas de Sintra. Fall.
- (2009). “Das Representações de Isabel I de Inglaterra na Ópera e no Cinema.” Via Panorâmica: Revista Electrónica de Estudos Anglo-Americanos. Series II. Nr. 2: 23-58.
- (2010). Review of “Miguel López-Lozano, Utopian Dreams, Apocalyptic Nightmares: Globalization in Recent Mexican and Chicano Narrative. West Lafayette, Indiana, Purdue University Press, 2008.” Utopian Studies. Vol. 21. Nr. 2: 360-363.
- (2009). “Assassinos Loquazes – ou: Da Arte de Matar com Arte.” Cadernos de Literatura Comparada. Nr. 20: 145-177.
- (2009). “Thomas More, Utopista malgré lui.” Morus. Utopia e Renascimento. Nr 6:167-172.
- (2008). “Milton, Habermas e o Espaço Público.” Brotéria – Cristianismo e Cultura. Vol. 167. Nr. 2/3: 111-122.
- (2007). “Literary Utopias and Utopianism in Portuguese Chapbooks of the 18th and 19th Centuries.” Utopia and Utopianism. Nr. 2: 37-47.
- (2007). “Notícia de Dois Romances Norte-Americanos Recentes (Paul Auster, Thomas Mullen).” E-topia: Revista Electrónica de Estudos sobre a Utopia. Nr. 7: 1-5.
Books and book chapters of international circulation:
- (2012). “Revisiting the American Frontier: A Reading of Paul Auster’s Travels in the Scriptorium and Thomas Mullen’s The Last Town on Earth.” In Barbara Klonowska, Zofia Kolbuszewska and Grzegorz Maziarczyk (Eds.) Echoes of Utopia: Notions, Rhetoric, Poetics. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 201-210
- (2012). “Formal Doubleness and Moral Duplicity: The Holocaust on the Page and Screen.” In Rui Carvalho Homem (Ed.) Relational Designs in Literature and the Arts: Page and Stage, Canvas and Screen. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 121-135.
- (2011). “Anthologizing the Long-range Perspective: Literary History and The International Library of Famous Literature (1899).” In Mihaela Irimia and Dragoş Ivana (Eds.) Author(ity) and the Canon Between Institutionalization and Questioning: Literature from High to Late Modernity. International Interdisciplinary Conference – New Europe College, Bucharest, 2-4 December. Bucureşti: Institutul Cultural Român, 216-233.
- (2010). “Exorcising Locke: Towards a Re-Appraisal of Addison’s Literary Criticism.” In Mihaela Irimia and Dragoş Ivana (Eds.) Imitatio – Inventio: The Rise of “Literature” from Early to Classic Modernity. Bucureşti: Institutul Cultural Român, 299-313.
- (2008). “Shelley in Portugal: A Poet for Academics.” In Susanne Schmid and Michael Rossington (Eds.) The Reception of P. B. Shelley in Europe. London: Continuum, 121-126 and 332-334.
- (2008). “[Le Paysage Utopique: Les Aires Dominantes] – Portugal” (Co-auth: Zulmira Santos). In Vita Fortunati and Raymond Trousson (Eds.) Histoire Transnationale de l’Utopie Littéraire et de l’Utopisme. Paris: Honoré Champion, 607-613.
Books, including single-authored works (including scholarly editions of oral or written texts and translations with introduction and commentary):
- (2013). Ed. The Epistemology of Utopia: Rhetoric, Theory and Imagination. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- (2012). Trans. and notes Robert Louis Stevenson, A Moralidade da Profissão das Letras e outras defesas da literatura. Porto: Deriva.
- (2012). Co-ed. section: “Changing Experiences, Changing Discourses: The Challenges of Intermediality.” In Rui Carvalho Homem (Ed.) Relational Designs in Literature and the Arts: Page and Stage, Canvas and Screen. Amesterdam / New York: Rodopi, 85-212.
- (2012). (Dis)Entangling Darwin: Cross-disciplinary Reflections on the Man and his Legacy
- (Co-ed. Sara Graça da Silva and Fátima Vieira). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- (2012). Trans., sel., introd. and notes Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Biographia Literaria. Porto: Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa / Deriva.
- (2011). José Manuel Sarmento de Beires, A Cidade do Sol (Co-ed: Isabel Morujão). Porto: Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa / Edições Afrontamento.
- (2010). Vasco José de Aguiar, Utopista Português do Século XIX. Porto: Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa / Edições Afrontamento.
- (2010). A Instituição da Literatura. Horizonte Teórico e Filosófico da Cultura Literária no Limiar da Modernidade. Porto: U Porto Editorial.
Chapters in books, including contributions to conference proceedings, essays in collections:
- (2012). “Modos de Ler: O Clássico e a Historicidade do Literário no Período Augustano.”
- In CVFerreria et al. (Eds.) ‘A Scholar for all Seasons’: Homenagem a João de Almeida Flor. Lisboa: CEAUL / DEA, 477-489.
- (2012). “O Preconceito Antioperático no Classicismo Inglês.” In Maria do Rosário Girão Santos and Elisa Maria Lessa (Eds.) Música Discurso Poder. Col. Hespérides – Literatura, n.º 26. Ribeirão: Húmus/CEHUM, 399-414.
- (2010). “Teatro e Preconceito Anti-Retórico no Classicismo Inglês.” In Belmiro Fernandes Pereira and Marta Várzeas (Eds.) Retórica e Teatro. A Palavra em Acção. Porto: U Porto Editorial, 279-290.
- (2010). “O Génio e o Desespero: Byron e a Violência da Visão Romântica.” In Maria Zulmira Castanheira and Miguel Alarcão (Eds.) O Rebelde Aristocrata. Nos 200 Anos da Visita de Byron a Portugal. Porto: U Porto/CETAPS, 7-23.
- (2009). “Oportunidade Ideológica da Introdução aos Grandes Autores de Agostinho da Silva.” In Teresa Seruya, Maria Lin Moniz and AARosa (Eds.) Traduzir em Portugal durante o Estado Novo. V Colóquio de Estudos de Tradução em Portugal realizado na Universidade Católica Portuguesa em 10 e 11 de Julho de 2008. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora, 307-324.
- (2008). Cadernos de Literatura Comparada (Co-org: Fátima Vieira). Nr. 19: “Utopia e Espiritualidade.”
Other research outputs:
- (2010-...). Electronic series: “Studies in Classicism and Romanticism” (Co-ed. Maria Zulmira Castanheira). U Porto / CETAPS.
Organisation of scientific dissemination activities:
- (2012). Org. Committee Int. Conf. Relational Forms II – Ex certa scientia: Literature, Science and the Arts, U Porto, 13-15 Dec.
- (2012). Org. Committee 1912-2012: A Time to Reason and Compare. An International Conference on Modernism, U Porto/Fundação de Serralves, 1-3 de Mar.
- (2012). Org. Committee A Actualidade de Dickens. Jornada Evocativa da Obra de Charles Dickens, no Bicentenário do Nascimento do Autor, U Porto/Teatro do Campo Alegre, 7 Feb.
Other activities
Presentations in international conferences
- (2013). “Metamorphoses of Sacralization: The Myth of the Scapegoat in Mel Gibson’s Films.” U Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej w Lublinie, Poland, 17 Apr.
- (2012). “Addison’s Real and Imaginary Princes: Memorialization in The Spectator.” Int. Conf. Literature and Cultural Memory, U Bucareste, 22-24 Nov.
- (2012). “The Sense of a Canon: Robert Southey’s Sir Thomas More and the Traditions of Utopianism.” 13th Int. Conf. of the Utopian Studies Society, U Rovira i Virgili, 4-7 Jul.
- (2012). “Addison’s Real and Imaginary Princes: Memorialization in The Spectator.” Int. conf. Literature and Cultural Memory, Centrul de Excelenta pentru Studiul Identitatii Culturale/New Europe College/U Bucharest, 22-24 Nov.
- (2012). Three lectures connected with the “Alternative Worlds” research project: “Thomas More and the Traditions of Utopianism; Or: On Necessary Accidents in Intellectual History;” “Classicism, Enlightenment and Utopia; “Troubled and Untroubled Worlds: On Utopia and Science Fiction.” U Gdansk, 11-13 Apr.
- (2012). “Social Criticism and the Utopian Mode in the Renaissance: Erasmus, More, Montaigne.” U Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej w Lublinie, Poland, 5 Jan.
- (2011). “The Holocaust as ‘Spectacular Terror’: Heterotopia and Historical Memory in Literature, Film and Television.” Lublin Catholic U, Poland, 28 Nov.
- (2011). “Establishing an Other-space: The Motif of the Veil and the English Romantic Imagination.” Int. Postgraduate Literature Conference Literary Dimensions. Reading Time and Space, U Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej w Lublinie, Poland, 22-24 Sep.
- (2010). “Anthologizing the Long-range Perspective: Literary History and the International Library of Famous Literature (1899).” Int. Conf. Author(ity) and the Canon Between Institutionalization and Questioning: Literature from High to Late Modernity, Centrul de Excelenta pentru Studiul Identitatii Culturale/New Europe College/U Bucharest, 2-4 Dec.
- (2009). “Exorcising Locke: Towards a Re-Appraisal of Addison’s Literary Criticism.” Int. Conf. Imitatio – Inventio: The Rise of “Literature” from Early to Classic Modernity, Centrul de Excelenta pentru Studiul Identitatii Culturale/New Europe College/U Bucharest, 13-14 Nov.
- (2009). “Thomas More, Utopian in Spite of Himself.” 2nd Int. Conf. Utopian Studies, U Estadual de Campinas, 7-10 Jun.
- (2009). “O Utopismo Português do Século XVIII.” Conf. Literatura e Utopia – Utopismos Portugueses, U Federal de Alagoas, 4 Jun.
- (2005). “Classicism as Utopia: The English Augustan Project, ca. 1702-1714.” 6th Int. Conf. of the Utopian Studies Society, New Lanark, 30 Jun-2 Jul.
- (2004). “On the Very Late Reception of Coleridge’s Writings in Portugal.” Conf. The Reception of S. T. Coleridge in Europe, Cambridge U/British Academy, 14-15 May.
Presentations in national conferences
- (2012). “João Medina, Utopista e Anti-Utopista.” Int. Conf. Revisitar o Mito/Recycling Myths, U Lisboa, 2-5 May.
- (2012). “W. B. Yeats and the Romantic Conversation Poem.” 1912-2012: A Time to Reason and Compare. An International Conference on Modernism, U Porto/Fundação de Serralves, 1-3 Mar.
By invitation:
- (2013). “O Caminho do Excesso”. Casa da Música, Porto, 7 Jun.
- (2011). “Utopias e Poder no Pensamento Político.” In the course Filosofia e Teoria Política. Autores Clássicos e Temas Contemporâneos of U Porto, U Porto, 14 Jul.