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University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)
Alameda da Universidade
Faculdade de Letras
1600-214 Lisboa

Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9.15am - 1.15pm and 2pm - 5pm



(00351) 21 792 00 92







Maria de Jesus Crespo Candeias Velez Relvas
Research Group: English Studies: Literature (RG 1)
Professional Title: Assistant Professor (with tenure)
Academic Degrees: (2002) PhD in Letters / English Literature, FLUL; (1989) MA in Anglo-American Studies / English Literature, FLUL; (1982) BA in Modern Languages and Literatures /English and German Studies, FLUL.
Institutional Address: CEAUL – Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Personal webpage: http://www.univ-ab.pt/departamentos/DH/detaildocente.php?doc=50

Research Projects:

  • (2015- ). @ssess – e-Learning e Avaliação no Ensino Superior (2nd phase), LE@D, U Aberta. Researcher.
  • (2012-2014). Escritas Digitais em e-Learning, Department of Humanities / LE@D, U Aberta. Researcher.
  • (2010-2013). @ssess – e-Learning e Avaliação no Ensino Superior, LE@D, U Aberta (PTDC/CPE-CED/104373/2008). Researcher.
  • (2012-2013). 7.ª Convocatoria de Redes de Investigación para la Innovación Docente, UNED: Proyecto de Investigación La Cultura estadounidense a través de sus documentos (participation as foreign expert).
  • (2011-2012). 6.ª Convocatoria de Redes de Innovación Docente, UNED: Proyecto de Investigación Una nueva propuesta de enseñanza de la Historia y cultura estadounidense (participation as foreign expert).
  • (2010-2011). 5.ª Convocatoria de Redes de Innovación Docente, UNED: Proyecto de Investigación Realización de actividades prácticas con documentos históricos que se integran en la evaluación continua (participation as foreign expert).
  • (2008-2010). E&S (e-Learning and Success), LE@D, U Aberta. Researcher.
  • (2008-2010). e-CO – Desenvolvimento de Esquemas de Excelência na Coordenação de Cursos do 1º Ciclo, LE@D, U Aberta. Researcher.
  • (2008-2010). Unit responsible for the implementation of the Observatório da Qualidade no Ensino a Distância and e-Learning.

Main Achievements:

  • (2009). EDEN 2009 Best Research Paper Award: “Evaluating Continuous Assessment Quality in Competence-Based Education Online: The Case of the e-Folio.” (co-auth.)

Research Outputs

Publications in peer reviewed journals and/or other publications:

  • (2015). Co-editor and book cover designer of Revisitar o Mito. Myths Revisited. V.N. Famalicão: Húmus, 2015.
  • (2013). “A Villain and a Monster – The Literary Portrait of Richard III by Thomas More and William Shakespeare.” Anglo Saxonica: Revista do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa. Series III, Nr. 5: 189-201.
  • (2010). (co-auth.) “Evaluating Continuous Assessment Quality in Competence-Based Education Online: The case of the e-Folio.” In http://www.eurodl.org/?article=373.
  • (2010). “The Renaissance Portraits of Two Kings and One Cardinal.” Op. Cit. Nr.12: 267-276.

Further supervisions:

  • (2009). Supervision of SOliveira, “A Mulher no Renascimento Inglês, segundo a Escolástica e a Tradição Medieval,” U Aberta (M.A. in English Studies). Very Good. Jun.
  • (2008). Supervision of Olga Guimarães Martins, “As Condições de Trabalho na Inglaterra da Revolução Industrial,” U Aberta (M.A. in English Studies). Good (cum Laude). Nov.
  • (2006). Supervision of Carla Maria Lampreia Soeiro dos Reis, “Máscaras do Medo. Da ‘Arte pela Arte’ à Criação Gótica. The Picture of Dorian Gray, de Oscar Wilde,” U Aberta (M.A. in English Studies). Very Good. Dec.
  • (2006). Supervision of Karin Gonçalves Câmara, “Intertextualidade (e Anti-Linearidade) nas Obras de Jeanette Winterson: Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, The Passion, e Sexing the Cherry,” U Aberta (M.A. in English Studies). Very Good. Nov.
  • (2006). Supervision of Ana Cristina Gonçalves Mateus, “Ocultismo e Exoterismo na Obra de William Shakespeare. Análise das Peças The Tempes, Hamlet, e The Winter’s Tale,” U Aberta (M.A. in English Studies). Very Good. Nov.
  • (2006). Supervision of Stella Guedes Nascimento Aguirre, “Euthanasia — A Study of the Age Long Controversial Issue in Thomas More’s Utopia, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and Brian Clark’s Whose Life Is It, Anyway?” U Aberta (M.A. in English Studies). Very Good. Jul.
  • (2005). Supervision of Maria Teresa Godinho Pereira, “Oscar Wilde — o Conceito de ‘Dandy’ nas Obras de Oscar Wilde: The Picture of Dorian Gray, An Ideal Husband, e The Importance of Being Earnest,” U Aberta (M.A. in English Studies). Good. May.

Books and book chapters of international circulation:

  • (2015). “Myths (Re)Told in the Iconography of Elizabeth I”. The Power of Form. Recycling Myths. Ana Raquel Fernandes, José Pedro Serra, and Rui Carlos Fonseca (Eds). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. 116-123.
  • (2014). “Icons of Supremacy and the Birth of an Empire.” Reviewing Imperial Conflicts. Ana C. Mendes and Cristina Baptista (Eds). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 84-93.
  • (2011). “ ‘The pains which I uncessantly sustain’: Expressions of Suffering in Elizabethan Lyric Poetry.” In Bev Hogue and Hanna Sugiyama (Eds.) Making Sense of Suffering: Theory, Practice, Representation. (E-book)
  • (2003). “The Literary Construction of a Monstrous Portrait – King Richard III by Thomas More and William Shakespeare.” In ‘Nothing but papers, my lord.’ Studies in Early Modern English language and literature (SEDERI XIII). Vigo: U Vigo, Servicio de Publicacións, 183-189. Republ. in Folger Shakespeare Library – World Shakespeare Bibliography online. Johns Hopkins. (http://www.worldshakesbib.org) (By invitation of publisher).

Conference proceedings:

  • (2004). “O Debate Renascentista sobre a Primazia das Artes em Inglaterra: Literatura versus História.” Actas do Colóquio Literatura e História: Para uma Prática Interdisciplinar. Lisboa: U Aberta. (CD-ROM)

Books, including single-authored works (including scholarly editions of oral or written texts and translations with introduction and commentary):

  • (2005). Discursos. Diálogo da Literatura com as Ciências e as Artes (co-ed. MAvelar). Series VII. Lisboa: Estudos Anglo-Americanos / U Aberta.
  • (2005). “ ‘A malign vapour flew to the heart, and seized the vital spirits’ – A Prevalência da Cosmovisão Medieval na Era da Revolução Científica.” In MAvelar et al. (Eds.) Discursos. Diálogo da Literatura com as Ciências e as Artes. Series VII. Lisboa: Estudos Anglo-Americanos / U Aberta, 123-133.

Chapters in books, including contributions to conference proceedings, essays in collections:

  • (2015). “Beyond Time and Oblivion: Sir Robert Sidney’s Autograph Manuscript.” Fernando de Mello Moser. Um Tributo. Luísa Maria Flora, Carla Larouco Gomes, and Adelaide Meira Serras (Coords). Lisboa: FLUL | Bond, 2015. 173-180.
  • (2015). “Beholding a ‘Brave New World’. Sir Walter Raleigh’s The Discovery of Guiana and William Shakespeare’s The Tempest.” Dedalus: Revista Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada. Nr 17-18, vol II (2013-2014): 1337-1350.
  • (2015). “Avaliação Alternativa Digital em ‘Qualquer Lugar do Mundo’ ” (co-author). Avaliação e Tecnologias no Ensino Superior. Teresa Cardoso et al. (Eds). Lisboa: U Aberta, 2015. 38-51.
  • (2014). “Sir Walter Raleigh and Guiana: a mysterious search, a metaphorical discovery.” From Brazil to Macao. Travel Writing and Diasporic Spaces. Alcinda Pinheiro de Sousa et al. (Eds.) Lisboa: CEAUL/ULICES, 2013. 929-937.
  • (2013). “On Righteousness and Dignity. Two Challenging Issues since Early Modern Times.” In CVFerreira et al (Eds.) ‘A Scholar for all Seasons’: Homenagem a João de Almeida Flor. Lisboa: CEAUL, DEA – U Lisboa, 681-684.
  • (2011). “ ‘Fair eyes, sweet lips, dear heart’. A Dama Idealizada e a Idealização da Dama no Tempo de Isabel Tudor.” In Mafalda Ferin Cunha, Maria de Jesus Relvas and Pedro Flor (Eds.) Renascimentos na Europa do Século XVI. Formas, Ritmos e Convergências. Lisboa: U Aberta. (CD ROM).
  • (2009). “Metaphors of Opulence and Power in the Life of Thomas Wolsey, the King’s Cardinal”. In IFernandes et al. (Eds.) ‘So long lives this, and this gives life to thee’: Homenagem a Maria Helena de Paiva Correia. Lisboa: DEA – U Lisboa, 523-531.
  • (2008). “A Sociedade de Corte Isabelina – Um Microcosmo de Cultura e Cerimonial no Espaço Europeu de Quinhentos.” In Formas e Espaços de Sociabilidade: Contributos para uma História da Cultura em Portugal. Lisboa: U Aberta. (CD-ROM).
  • (2007). “The Road to Rulership — Henry Tudor, King of England.” In AARosa et al. (Eds.) ‘And gladly wolde (s)he lerne and gladly teche’: Homenagem a Júlia Dias Ferreira. Lisboa: DEA – U Lisboa / Edições Colibri, 453-458.
  • (2005). “Sonetos e Sequências de Sonetos na Literatura Inglesa do Renascimento”. In MAvelar (Ed.) Viagens Pela Palavra. Miscelânea de Homenagem a Maria Laura Bettencourt Pires. Lisboa: U Aberta, 245-256.
  • (2004). “Vidas Renascentistas – A Fusão da História com a Ficção.” In Maria Adelina Amorim et al. (Eds.) Homo Viator. Estudos em Homenagem a Fernando Cristóvão. Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 543-549.
  • (2004). “A Roda da Fortuna na Vida de Thomas Wolsey.” In LLFaria and TMalafaia (Eds.) ‘O Lago de Todos os Recursos’: Homenagem a Hélio Osvaldo Alves. Lisboa: CEAUL, 233-240.

Audio/visual and electronic/digital materials:

  • (2012). Three video scripts on the English Renaissance and its antecedents (co-auth. and supervisor), designed, produced and directed by U Aberta: Video 1. The Wars of the Rose; Video 2. The Henrician Reformation; Video 3. Elizabeth I.

Organisation of scientific dissemination activities:

  • (2013). Scient. Committee CATES 2013, 1st Int. Conf. Assessment and Technologies in High Education, Lisbon. 18-19 Jul.
  • (2013). Co-org. “’Escritos para sempre já ficais” – Conf. in memoriam of Mafalda Ferin Cunha, U Aberta. 22 Apr.
  • (2011-2012). Scient. And Org. Committee Int. Conf. Revisitar o Mito/Recycling Myths, U Lisboa. 2-5 May.
  • (2011). Org. Committee Int. Conf. and Art Exhibition Life Down UnderAustralian Literature and Culture Today, U Lisboa / Inst. Camões. 14-15 Feb.
  • (2010). Co-org. Workshop e-Learning UAb 2010, U Aberta. 29 Jun.
  • (2008). Co-org. Conf. Renascimentos na Europa do Século XVI. Formas Ritmos e Convergências, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. 11-12 Dec.

Other activities:

  • (2012-2015) Scient. Committee and Peer Reviewer of selected papers delivered Int. Conf. Revisitar o Mito/Recycling Myths, U Lisboa.
  • (2012). Peer Reviewer: Philologia Hispalensis, U Sevilla.
  • (2009). Revision of the English translation (by Stella Aguirre): Melo, João de. O Tríptico dos Barcos. Le Tryptique des Bateaux. Das Schiffs-Tryptichon. The Tryptik of Boats. Suilly-la-Tour: Le Décaèdre (Portuguese literary work published in four languages).

Presentations in international conferences


  • (2015). “The Iconography of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I: Some Considerations on the Power of Image”. Representing the Tudors. An Interdisciplinary Conference, U South Wales, Treforest Campuys, UK, 10-11 July.
  • (2015). “ ‘We have seen strange things to day.’ The Perception of the New World in the 16th Century”. Reading Conference in Early Modern Studies. U Reading, UK, 6-8 July.
  • (2015). “Early Modern Europe and the Discoveries. Brief Considerations on Some Writings”. 26th Int. SEDERI Conf. Commerce, Communities and the Global Early Modern, U Jaén, UNIA – Baeza Campus of the International U of Andalucía, 8-14 May.
  • (2014). “A New World and a New View of the World: The Age of the Discoveries”. 25th Int. SEDERI Conf. Selves & Communities: Identities & Representation in Early Modern England, U Oviedo, 14-16 May.
  • (2014). “Two Portraits of Dorian Gray – Lewin after Wilde”. Screening English Classics: Methods and Strategies in Film Adaptation, FLUL, 26-27 Feb.
  • (2013). “Avaliação Alternativa Digital em ‘Qualquer Lugar do Mundo’ ” (co-author). 1st Int. Conf. Avaliação e Tecnologias no Ensino Superior – CATES 2013, Museu das Comunicações, 18-19 July.
  • (2013). “ ‘The clouds methought would open and show riches.’ Sea Voyages, Prodigious Discoveries.” 24th Int. SEDERI Conf. Charting Early Modern Culture: Seascapes, Landscapes, Mindscapes, U Huelva, 13-15 Mar.
  • (2012). “In the country of void and shadows. Cormac McCarthy’s The Road: Nemesis before Hope,” Int. Conf. Messengers from the Stars – Episode II. On Science Fiction and Fantasy, U Lisboa, 27-30 Nov.
  • (2012). “A Villain and a Monster – The Literary Portrait of Richard III by Thomas More and William Shakespeare.” Int. Conf. Heroic Bodies, Bodies of Flesh: Representing the Body in Early Modern Life, U Reims Champagne-Ardenne, 31 May-1 Jun.
  • (2012). “Myths (re)told in the Iconography of Elizabeth I.” Int. Conf. Revisitar o Mito/Recycling Myths, U Lisboa, 2-5 May.
  • (2012). “Beyond time and oblivion: Sir Robert Sidney’s autograph manuscript.” 23rd Int. SEDERI Conf. Formatting Early Modern Culture: Manuscript, Print, Film, Hypertext, U Seville, 14-16 Mar.
  • (2011). “Icons of Supremacy and the Birth of an Empire: Two Portraits of Elizabeth I.” Int. Conf. Reviewing Imperial Conflicts. U Lisboa, 27-28 Oct.
  • (2011). “Reading between the jewels  Power, Majesty and Sovereignty in the Portraits of Elizabeth I.” 22nd Int. SEDERI Conf. Faces, Façades and Frontispieces: Public and Private Selves in Early Modern Culture, U Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 23-25 Mar.
  • (2010). “ ‘The pains which I uncessantly sustain’: Expressions of Suffering in Elizabethan Lyric Poetry.” Int. Conf. Making Sense of: Suffering, Prague. 11-13 Nov.
  • (2010). “Beholding a ‘Brave New World’: Sir Walter Raleigh’s The Discovery of Guiana and William Shakespeare’s The Tempest.” Int. Conf. Cross Travelling – Mobility and Transferences, U Madeira, 23-25 Sep.
  • (2010). “Renaissance Voyages. Amazing Worlds, Strange Creatures, Unexpected Realities.” 21st Int. SEDERI Conf. Ports, and piers and roads: Self and World in Early Modern Culture, U Porto, 22-24 Apr.
  • (2009). (co-auth.) “Evaluating Continuous Assessment Quality in Competence-Based Education Online: The case of the e-Folio.” Annual Conf. EDEN – European Distance and e-Learning Network, Gdansk. 11-13 Jun.
  • (2009). Open University / Universidade Aberta Change Management Consultancy Workshop. U Aberta. 28 Jan.
  • (2008). “Sir Walter Raleigh and Guiana. A Mysterious Search, a Metaphorical Discovery.” Int. Conf. From Brazil To Macau: Narrativas de Viagens e Espaços de Diáspora, U Lisboa, 10-14 Sep.
  • (2008). “On Righteousness and Dignity. Two Challenging Issues since Early Modern Times.” Int. Conf. 7th ESSHC – European Social Science History Conference, U Lisboa, 26 Apr-1 Mar.

Presentations in national conferences


  • (2013). “O Belo Horrível – The Picture of Dorian Gray, de Oscar Wilde.” Jornadas da U Aberta ‘Diálogos entre a Literatura e as Artes’, Painel ‘Questões de Estética II’. Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa. 23 May.
  • (2013). “Eloquentia na Poesia Lírica Renascentista: os Sidney e Camões.” Escritos para sempre já ficais Conf. in memoriam of Mafalda Ferin Cunha, U Aberta. 22 Apr.

By invitation:

  • (2012). Brief lecture on Charles Dickens, Biblioteca Nacional, Lisboa / RTP2 – Broadcasting 35, U Aberta, 29 Feb.
  • (2007). “Vestígios Medievais na Produção Literária, Musical e Cinematográfica.” Programa Entre Nós (Programa de Língua e Cultura Portuguesas da UAb), RTP2, RTPÁfrica, RTPInternacional. May.
  • (2007). “ ‘Nothing is as it was’. Mudanças e Medos na Era Renascentista.” Int. Conf. A Imagética do Medo e da Utopia. U Lisboa, 19-20 Nov.

Future Research:

  • (ongoing). Co-supervision (with ASerras) of Susana Paula de Magalhães Oliveira, “Uma Cartografia das Mentalidades: A Diplomacia Portuguesa na Corte Isabelina,” U Lisboa (Ph.D.).
  • (2015-2016). Revision of the trans. of Sir Philip Sidney’s An Apology for Poetry, by MEAbreu; Introduction and critical notes to the trans.

      University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)

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