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Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL)
Alameda da Universidade - Faculdade de Letras
1600-214 Lisboa

Horário de atendimento:
2ª a 6ª-feira,

10h00 às 17h00



(00351) 21 792 00 92







Karen Bennett

Grupo de Investigação: Estudos de Tradução e Recepção (GI 6)
Categoria profissional: Professora Auxiliar Convidada
Graus Académicos: (2009). Doutoramento em Estudos da Cultura, Estudos de Tradução, U Lisboa; (2003). Mestrado em Estudo Ingleses, Estudos de Tradução, U Lisboa; (1984). BA(Hons) in English and Related Literature, U York.
Morada institucional: CEAUL - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade,1600-214 Lisboa
Endereço de correio electrónico:  Este endereço de e-mail está protegido de spam bots, pelo que necessita do Javascript activado para o visualizar  / Página pessoal: http://karenbennett-coimbra.tripod.com/

Projectos de Investigação:

  • (2007-...). Intercultural Literature in Portugal, 1930-2000: A Critical Bibliography. Coord: AARosa (CEAUL/ULICES), Teresa Seruya, Maria Lin Moniz (CECC-UCP). Researcher.

Actividade Científica

Publicações em revistas com arbitragem científica e/ou outras publicações:

  • (2013). “English as a lingua franca in academia: combating epistemicide through translator training”. Stefania Taviano (Ed.) English as a Lingua Franca: Implications for Translator and Interpreter Education, special issue of The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (ITT).7(2): 169-193.
  • (2012). “At the selvedges of discourse: negotiating the ‘in-between’ in Translation studies.” The Place of Translation, special issue of Word and Text 2(2): 43-61. (Guest article.)
  • (2012). “Footprints in the text: assessing the impact of translation upon Portuguese historiographic discourse.” Anthony Pym and AARosa (Eds.) New Directions in Translation Studies, special issue of Anglo-Saxónica. Series III. Nr.3: 265-290.
  • (2011). “The Scientific Revolution and its repercussions on the translation of technical discourse.” Myriam Salaama-Carr and Maeve Olohan (Eds.) Science in Translation, special issue of The Translator. 17 (2): 189-210.
  • (2011). “Plagiarism reassessed: a culturalist take on academia’s cardinal sin.” The European English Messenger. 20(1): 74-77.
  • (2010). “Academic discourse in Portugal: a whole different ballgame?” Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 9 (1): 21-32.
  • (2010). “Academic writing practices in Portugal: survey of humanities and social science researchers.” Diacrítica - Série Ciências da Linguagem. 24 (1): 193-209.
  • (2009). “Critical and corpus approaches to English academic text revision: a case study of articles by Portuguese humanities scholars” (Co-auth: John McKenny). English Text Construction. 2 (2): 228-245.
  • (2009). “English academic style manuals: a survey.” Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 8 (1): 43-54.
  • (2008). “The language of dance.” Textos Pretextos: Coreo-grafias. Nr. 11: 56-67.

Livros e capítulos de livros com circulação internacional:

  • (2013).“The translator as cultural mediator in research publication”. In Valerie Matarese (Ed.). Supporting Research Writing: Roles and challenges in multilingual settings. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, 93-106.
  • (2012). English Academic Discourse: Hegemonic Status and Implications for Translation (with particular reference to Portuguese). Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing.
  • (2011). Academic Writing in Portugal I: Discourses in Conflict. Coimbra: Coimbra U Press.
  • (2011). “Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft: The geopolitics of academic plagiarism”. In Thomas Rommel (Ed.) Plagiate - Gefahr für die Wissenschaft? Berlin: Lit Verlag, 53-69.
  • (2011). “Emotion in scholarly discourse: denial, deconstruction, reinstatement.” In Fernanda Gil Costa and Igor Furão (Eds.) Estética das Emoções. V.N. Famalicão: Edições Humus, 271-282.
  • (2010). “Polishing papers for publication: palimpsests or procrustean beds?” (Co-auth: John McKenny). In Ana Frankenburg-Garcia, Lynn Flowerdew and Guy Aston (Eds.) New Trends in Corpora and Language Learning. Continuum, 247-262.
  • (2009) “Epistemicide! The tale of a predatory discourse.” In Mona Bajer (Ed.) Translation Studies: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. Vol. 3. London / New York: Routledge, 151-169.
  • (2008). “Prokofiev’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and socialist realism: a case-study in intersemiotic translation.” In Dirk Delabastita, Josef de Vos, Paul Franssen (Eds.) Shakespeare and European Politics. U Delaware Press, 318-328.

Outras categorias, incluindo recursos baseados na web, gravações de vídeo e áudio (desde que se enquadre no âmbito da investigação):

  • (2013). “Resistant Translation in the Global Knowledge Exchange: Can it Combat Epistemicide?”. Online lecture. Int. Conf. "Did Anyone Say Power?", U Bangor, 5-6 Sept.

Outros indicadores de produção científica:

  • (2012). “Translating Portuguese scholarly discourse: is epistemicide inevitable?” Guest seminar and translation workshop, U Cork. Oct.
  • (2011).“Footprints in the text: assessing the impact of translation upon Portuguese historiographic discourse,” guest lecture and workshop (MA in Translation), U Porto. May.
  • (2011). “T-Rex in action: assessing the impact of translation upon non-English academic discourses.” Guest lecture (Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies), U Manchester, Feb.
  • (2008). “Breaking the ice: getting started in the translation profession.” Guest lecture (MA in Translation), U Coimbra. Mar.

Organização de actividades de disseminação científica:

  • (2013). Scient. Committee 1st ULICES Conf. on Translation Studies Voice in Indirect Translation, U Lisboa, 10-11 Jul.

Outras actividades:

  • (2013). Member of the Advisory Board of The Translator.
  • (2008-…) Peer reviewer for The Translator, English for Special Purposes, World Englishes, Ibérica.

    Comunicações apresentadas em conferências internacionais:

    Por convite:

    • (2013). “Resistant translation in the Global Knowledge Exchange: can it combat epistemicide?” Keynote lecture. Int. Conf. Rethinking Domination and Hegemony in Translation, U Bangor, 5-6 Sept. Ver vídeo
    • (2012). “Keynote Epistemicide in academia: beyond discourse". Keynote lecture. Int. Conf. on English as Lingua Franca for Scientific Communication, U Zaragoza, Nov.
    • (2012). “Epistemicide in modern academia: the political and cultural consequences of English as a lingua franca.” Keynote lecture. 5th Symposium on English for Specific Purposes, U Stockholm, Jan.

     Em painel:

    • (2013). “Heaney Astray: poems in Portuguese translation.” 3rd British and Irish Contemporary Poetry Conf., U Manchester, 12-14 Sep.
    • (2013). “Translation on the Semi-Periphery: Portugal as Cultural Intermediary in the Transportation of Knowledge.” 7th EST Cong. Translation Studies: Centers and Peripheries, Johannes-Gutenberg U, 29 Aug-1 Sep.
    • (2012). “Overcoming rhetorical incompatibilities in academic writing (English versus the Romance cultures).” Annual Conf. of Mediterranean Editors and Translators (MET) Craft and Critical Vision: Diving Beneath the Surface of Discourse, Don Orione Artigianelli Cultural Center, Venice, 8-10 Nov.
    • (2012). “Epistemicide through translation: an overview”. Panel 14: “Epistemicide: Translation and the Globalization of Knowledge”. “Translation on the semi-periphery: Portugal as cultural intermediary in the transportation of knowledge”. Panel 6: “Translation to and from Portuguese...” 4th Conf. of the Int. Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS), Queen’s U Belfast, 24-27 Jul.
    • (2011). “The ideological dimension of academic translation: critical influences.” and “The ‘butler’ syndrome: academic discourse on the semi-periphery.” Annual Conf. of Mediterranean Editors and Translators (MET) Quality in English translation and editing – from research to practice and back. IEMed, Barcelona, 20-22 Oct.
    • (2011). “The ‘butler’ syndrome: academic discourse on the semi-periphery.” PRISEAL 2 Occupying Niches: Interculturality, Cross-culturality and Aculturality in Academic Research, U Silesia, 9-11 Jun.
    • (2011). “Specialist discourses and communities of practice: Skopos-failure as a tool for critical translation research”. Conf. Research Models in Translation II, U Manchester, 19 Apr-2 May.

    Comunicações apresentadas em conferências nacionais:

    Por convite:

    • (2010). “Discourses of knowledge: cultural disjunctions and their implications for the language industries,” keynote lecture. Annual Conf. of Groupe de Linguistique Appliquée des Télécommunications de Bretagne Le multiculturalisme et le role des langues spécialisées, U Lisboa, May.
    • (2009). “The language of dance.” 9th English Studies Conf. on Visual and Performance Culture, U Minho, Apr.

    Em painel:

    • (2013). “Language bending: bringing the English to Foucault.” Schleiermacher Int. Colloquium 1813-2013: Two centuries of reading Friedrich Schleiermacher’s seminal text “About the different methods of translation”, U Lisboa, 24-25 Oct.
    • (2013). “Textual sources and metadiscourses: Translating the multiple voices of historiography.” 1st ULICES Conf. on Translation Studies Voice in Indirect Translation, U Lisboa, 10-11 Jul.
    • (2013). “The knowledge wars: translating incommensurable paradigms.” 4th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies (APEAA), U Lisboa, 9-10 May.
    • (2012). “Logos and mythos in contemporary Anglo-Saxon culture: the myths of science and the science in myth.” Int. Conf. Recycling Myths, U Lisboa, 2-5 May.
    • (2011). “Discourses in conflict: overcoming rhetorical incompatibilities between Portuguese and English academic writing style.” Symposium English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in the Bologna context of Higher Education, U Minho, Sep.
    • (2011). “The bonfire of the humanities: the effects of English upon Portuguese academic discourse.” 32nd Nat. Conf. of the Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies (APEAA), U Coimbra, 12-14 May.
    • (2011). “’Like a candle under a bushel…’: rhetorical identities in Portugal and England (16th - 21stcenturies).” 2nd Int. Conf. of Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS), Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 18-20 Apr.
    • (2011). “Premonitions of doom: the musical power of Salome.” Int. Conf. Music Discourse Power, U Minho, 17-19 Mar.
    • (2010). “Blood, turf and Hollywood heroes: cultural identity in The Sopranos.” Int. Symposium Performing Identities and Utopias of Belonging in American and British Contexts, (CETAPS), U Nova Lisboa, 3-4 Dec.
    • (2010). “Plagiarism reassessed: a culturalist take on academia’s cardinal sin.” 31st Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies (APEAA) Geographies of the Self, U Aberta, 15-17 Apr.
    • (2009). “The battle for knowledge in modern Europe: the denial and reinstatement of emotion in scholarly discourse.” Int. Meeting Aesthetics of Emotion (CEComparatistas), U Lisboa, 26-27 Oct.
    • (2009). “In the steps of T-rex: academic discourse in Portugal.” 42nd Conf. of the Societas Linguistica Europaea Global Languages Local Languages, U Lisboa, 9-12 Sept.
    • (2008). “Polishing papers for publication: palimpsests or Procrustean beds?” (Co-auth: John McKenny). 8th Teaching and Language Corpora Conf. (TALC8), ISLA, 4-6 Jul.
    • (2008). “’Things not words’: reflections on the scientific revolution and its implications for the development of English prose.” 29th Nat. Conf. of the Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies (APEAA) Success and Failure, U Aveiro, 17-19 Apr.

    Investigação Futura:

    • (2007-...). Intercultural Literature in Portugal, 1930-2000: A Critical Bibliography. Coord: ARRosa (CEAUL/ULICES) Teresa Seruya, Maria Lin Moniz (CECC-UCP). Researcher.
    • (2013). “Attempting Resistance Strategies in Academic Translation: A Case Study from Portugal.” Low Countries Conf. II Transferring Translation Studies. KU Leuven / U. Utrecht, 28-30 Nov.
    • (2013). “Translation and localization in the contemporary fiction market: A Tragédia de Fidel Castro and its American avatar.” Int. Conf. Version, Subversion: translation, the canon and its discontents, U Porto, 12-14 Dec.
    • (2014). “Discourses of Knowledge: Cultural Disjunctions and their Implications for the Language Industries.” Ibérica. Nr.  27.
    • (2014). KBennett (Ed.) The Semiperiphery of Academic Writing: Discourses, Communities and Practices. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    • (2014). "Introduction: The Political and Economic Infrastructure of Academic Practice: The 'Semi-periphery' as a Category for Social and Linguistic Analysis." in: KBennett (Ed.) The Semiperiphery of Academic Writing: Discourses, Communities and Practices. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    • (2014). "Chapter 2.: The bonfire of the humanities: the effects of English upon Portuguese scholarly discourse.” in: KBennett (Ed.) The Semiperiphery of Academic Writing: Discourses, Communities and Practices. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    • (2014-2020) Scient. Coord. (with FFAlves) SCI-TECH in Trans: The dynamics of EN<->PT translation and reception of non-literary texts in Portugal. (CEAUL/ULICES).



      Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL)

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