Research Group: Translation and Reception Studies (RG 6)
Professional Title: Assistant Professor
Academic Degrees: (2012). Ph.D. in Translation, Translation History, U Lisboa; (2006). Taugh MA in Comparative Studies, Comparative Literature, U Lisboa; (2005). Four-year degree in Modern Languages and Cultures, French and Spanish Studies, U Lisboa.
Institutional Address: CEAUL - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade,1600-214 Lisboa
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Research Projects:
- (2007-...). Intercultural Literature in Portugal, 1930-2000: A Critical Bibliography. Coord: ARRosa (CEAUL/ULICES), Teresa Seruya and Maria Lin Moniz (CECC-UCP). Researcher.
- (2007-…) DIIA Diálogos Ibéricos e Ibero-americanos (CEComparatistas). Collab.
- (2013-2015) IndirectTrans: Indirect Translations of English Literature published in Portugal (1901-1950). Coord: AARosa (CEAUL/ULICES). Researcher.
Main Achievements:
- (2012). “De como pícaro entrou em Portugal e aí se apresentou: contributo para a história da recepção do romance picaresco espanhol em Portugal” (Supervisor: AARosa, U Lisboa, Co-supervisor: Maria Fernanda de Abreu, U Nova), U Lisboa, (PhD in Translation, Translation History). Summa cum laude. 16 Nov.
- (2008). Fundación Caja Murcia Short Stay Scholarship. Curso superior para jóvenes hispanistas, Instituto Cervantes de Madrid. 8-18 Jan.
- (2007-2011) Ph.D. Grant - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).
Research Outputs
Publications in peer reviewed journals and/or other publications:
- (2012). Translated and Non-Translated Spanish Picaresque Novels in Defense of Dominated Languages. Anthony Pym and AARosa (Eds.) New Directions in Translation Studies, special issue of Anglo-Saxónica. Series III. Nr.3: 157-183.
- (2010) “Translation, Censorship and Romanticism in Portugal (1800-1850)”. In Denise Merkle, Carol O’Sullivan, Luc van Doorslaer, and Michaela Wolf (Eds.) The Power of the Pen: Translation and Censorship in Nineteenth-century Europe. Berlin: Lit Verlag, 169-190.
Books and book chapters of international circulation:
- (2012). “Los títulos de las novelas picarescas como llave de la historia europea del género”. In María Luisa Cerrón Puga (Ed.) Rumbos del hispanismo en el umbral del cincuentenario de la AIH. Vol. III: Siglo de Oro (prosa y poesía). Roma: Bagatto Libri, 355-362.
- (2010). “De como o Lázaro de Tormes e o Diabo Coxo entraram em Portugal e de como aí se apresentaram”. In Xosé Manuel Dasilva (Ed.) Perfiles de la traducción hispano-portuguesa III. Vigo: Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 99-114.
- (2010). Fernandes, Ângela et al. (Eds.) Diálogos Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos. Lisboa / Madrid: CEComparatistas / Editorial Academia del Hispanismo.
- (2010). “Lecturas portuguesas de la novela picaresca española en el siglo diecinueve”. In Francisco Lafarga, Luis Pegenaute e Enric Gallén (Eds.) Interacciones entre las literaturas ibéricas. Peter Lang Publishing Group, 119-130.
Conference proceedings:
- (2009). “A recriação poética e o silêncio. Eugénio de Andrade, tradutor de Lorca”. In Teresa Seruya and Maria Lin Moniz (Eds.) Traduzir em Portugal durante o Estado Novo. Lisboa: U Católica Editora, 279-295.
- (2008). “Pintando la picaresca: Lazarillo de Goya. La (re)construcción del pícaro y el modelar de los personajes literarios”. In María Cecilia Trujillo Maza (Ed.) Lectores, editores y audiencia: la recepción en la literatura hispánica. Vigo: Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 41-46.
- (2009). “A recriação poética e o silêncio. Eugénio de Andrade, tradutor de Lorca”. In Teresa Seruya and Maria Lin Moniz (Eds.) Traduzir em Portugal durante o Estado Novo. Lisboa: U Católica Editora, 279-295.
Books, including single-authored works (including scholarly editions of oral or written texts and translations with introductions and commentary):
- (2008). Translation of Fatou Diome, Kétala. Lisbon: Europress.
Chapters in books, including contributions to conference proceedings, contributions to festschriften, essays in collections:
- (2008). “Iberian Censorship and the Reading of Lazarillo in the 19th century Portugal”. In Teresa Seruya and Maria Lin Moniz (Eds.) Translation and Censorship in Different Times and Landscapes. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 298-307.
Other research outputs:
- (2010). “How the pícaro entered Portugal and what happenend to him there”. CETRA PhD Research Day, KU Leuven, 31 May.
- (2010). “De como Lazarillo de Tormes e El Diablo Cojuelo entraram em Portugal e aí se apresentaram: a história da tradução como uma determinante nas escolhas editoriais e tradutórias”, invited lecture, U Nova Lisboa, 13 de Apr.
- (2010). “Le bilinguisme et la proximité linguistique comme causes d’une situation de non traduction. L’histoire de la traduction portugaise des romans picaresques espagnols.” Séminaire Plurilinguisme, traduction et autotraduction, Hogeschool Gent / KU Leuven, 16-19 Feb.
- (2009). Poster “The Role of Translation in the Configuration of the Picaresque Genre in the Portuguese Literary System (1792-1850)”. Poster session CETRA alumni, KU Leuven, 28-29 Aug.
- (2008). “De como Lázaro de Tormes entrou em Portugal e do que ali lhe aconteceu”, invited lecture. U Lisboa, 23 Jan.
- (2008). “Historia de la recepción del Lazarillo en Portugal”. Curso superior para jóvenes hispanistas, Instituto Cervantes de Madrid, Jan.
Organisation of scientific dissemination activities:
- (2013). Scient. and Org. Committee 1st ULICES Conf. on Translation Studies Voice in Indirect Translation, U Lisboa, 10-11 Jul.
- (2012). Org. Committee Charles Dickens bicentenary celebrations Charles Dickens in Portugal (Scient. supervision and coord: AARosa and JAFlor), U Lisboa / Cinemateca Portuguesa, Feb-Mar.
- (2011-…). Org. Committee ETC... Monthly Talks on Translation Studies. (CEAUL/ULICES).
Other activities:
- (2008-2009). Visiting Research Student U Paris 8 – Vincennes – Saint-Denis. Nov-Mar.
- (2010). Visiting Research Student KU Leuven. Jan-Jul.
Presentations in international conferences:
- (2010). “Los títulos de las novelas picarescas españolas en versión original y traducida como llave de la historia del género picaresco en Europa.” 17th AIH Cong. (International Association of Hispanists), U Roma “La Sapienza”, 19-24 Jul.
- (2010). “Reflejos y miradas portuguesas hacia la literatura picaresca española.” 7th ALEPH Int. Cong. (Association of Young Researchers of Hispanic Literature), U Manchester, 27-29 Apr.
- (2009). “Lecturas portuguesas de la novela picaresca española.”.Int. Conf. Les relacions entre les literatures ibèriques, U Pompeu Fabra, 18-20 Jun.
- (2008). “Lazarillo y Juan Preciado: la importancia del movimiento en la denuncia de realidades adversas” 5th ALEPH Int. Cong. (Association of Young Researchers of Hispanic Literature), U Complutense Madrid, 8-11Apr.
Presentations in national conferences:
- (2013). “Crowning the pícaro: struggling against indirectness.” 1st ULICES Conf. on Translation Studies Voice in Indirect Translation, U Lisboa, 10-11 Jul.
- (2012). “Du pareil au même: uma leitura dos estudos sobre o romance picaresco em Portugal”, 25th Anniversary of the Portuguese Comparative Literature Association (APLC), 7th Conf. Pensar o Comparatismo: percursos, impasses e perspectivas, U Aveiro, 5-7 Dec.
- (2009). “Reescrituras del Quijote en las letras portuguesas de ochocientos”, 6th ALEPH Int. Cong. (Association of Young Researchers of Hispanic Literature), U Lisboa, 27-30 Apr.
- (2008). “A Recriação poética e o silêncio: Eugénio de Andrade tradutor de Lorca”, Conf. Traduzir em Portugal durante o Estado Novo, U Católica, 10-11 Jul.
- (2007). “A censura ibérica e a leitura do Lazarillo no Portugal de Oitocentos”. Int. Conf. Translation and Censorship – From the 18th Century to the Present Day, U Católica, 27-28 Nov.
- (2007-…). Intercultural Literature in Portugal, 1930-2000: A Critical Bibliography. Coord: ARRosa (CEAUL/ULICES) Teresa Seruya and Maria Lin Moniz (CECC-UCP). Researcher.
- (2011-…). Org. Committee ETC... Monthly Talks on Translation Studies. (ULICES/CEAUL).
Future research:
- (2007-...). Intercultural Literature in Portugal, 1930-2000: A Critical Bibliography. Coord: ARRosa (CEAUL/ULICES), Teresa Seruya and Maria Lin Moniz (CECC-UCP). Researcher.
- (2013). "Portuguese Knights-errant in Paris: Fighting the French Giant". Panel: “Indirectness in Intercultural Transfers” (Org: RG6 CEAUL/ULICES). Int. Conf. Version, Subversion: translation, the canon and its discontents, U Porto, 12-14 Dec.
- (2013). Org. Committee Int. Colloquium 1813-2013: Two centuries of reading Friedrich Schleiermacher’s seminal text “About the different methods of translation”, U Lisboa, 24-25 Oct. (CEAUL/ULICES, CECC-UCP).
- (2014). How Peripheral is the Periphery: Translating Portugal Back and Forth (Co-eds: Sara Ramos Pinto and Marta Pacheco Pinto).
- (2014). Org. Committee of the 2nd ULICES Conf. on Translation Studies, U Lisboa.
- (2014-2017). The Moveable Feast (1838-1853): Literature in Portuguese Exile (Supervisor: AARosa, CEAUL/ULICES, Co-supervisor: João Ferreira Duarte, CEComparatistas), CEAUL/ULICES (Pos-doc project in Translation Studies).
- (2014-2020). DIIA Diálogos Ibéricos e Ibero-americanos (CEComparatistas). Collab.
- (2013-2015) IndirectTrans Indirect Translations of English Literature published in Portugal (1901-1950). Coord: AARosa (CEAUL/ULICES). Researcher.
- (2015-2020). IndirecTrans2 - Centres and Peripheries: Indirect Translation in Cultural Encounters. Coord: AARosa, Co-coord: HMPieta (ULICES/CEAUL). Researcher.